London does not guarantee health care to 6 out of 7 brits in the EU

The Brexit enlarges the division in families and in the parties políticosJacob Rees-Mogg: "A new postponement of the Brexit would not be useful," Before the

London does not guarantee health care to 6 out of 7 brits in the EU
The Brexit enlarges the division in families and in the parties políticosJacob Rees-Mogg: "A new postponement of the Brexit would not be useful,"

Before the imminence of the departure of the United Kingdom of the European Union and the still high possibility that the output is to produce the next October 31 and without agreement , the british Government has decided to take measures to protect access to medical care after that date to its 180,000 citizens resident in the EU and whose health care is funded directly by the government.

In a statement from the department of health , the authorities have announced their commitment to cover the cost for six months in case of a divorce the hard way, while they urge these people to carry out as soon as possible the necessary procedures for you are not left without coverage.

London has taken this decision due to the bilateral talks with the various european States still have not finished and the deadline is approaching. The british have proposed to each member State of the European Union that the conventions of health care existing to continue until 31 December 2020 , but if those talks do not conclude by October 31, the commitment is that citizens are not left in limbo, according to the secretary of health, Matt Hancock , who says that "to protect the health rights of the citizens of the United Kingdom is a priority of this government".

in Addition, it clarifies that "while the Government continues to work to achieve a good agreement, I am announcing that the p ensionistas, students and workers of the United Kingdom living in the EU will have covered your health care costs during the six months after October 31, regardless of the circumstances of the Brexit". The Government has also committed to cover up for a year for the costs of treatment that are in progress, as well as provide coverage during the time it takes you to their national register in a health plan local.

european health insurance Card

Ensure access to health care is one of the many challenges of the Brexit. So far, the european health insurance card allows any european citizen to receive treatment in public hospitals of any member country in case of illness or accident. However, the output of the EU will neither the community can be cared for in the United Kingdom, or the british in the EU, hence, beyond the global agreement that seeks to achieve with Brussels, we are conducting bilateral talks between the United Kingdom and the United states.

The british ambassador in the Czech republic, Nick Archer , was pleased with the plan, and assured that "these transitional arrangements provide a warm welcome to thousands of our residents of the Uk who live in Europe and can have their access to medical care affected after the Brexit".

The question now is what to offer the british authorities to the nationals of the EU that reside within their borders, because they speak of the contingency plan for its citizens but makes no mention of a counterpart to the europeans.

The cost in economic and human of Brexit for the health system is high. The United kingdom estimates that only this plan could cost the public purse around £ 150 million sterling up to 2021 (170 million euros). If this outside little, the 5,5% of the workers of the health service of United Kingdom, the NHS, europe , many of which are in the midst of the confusion of not knowing what is going to happen to your legal status once that occurs, the output or if they are going to have to return to their countries of origin.

Date Of Update: 23 September 2019, 08:01