Married will insist until the end in the formula Spain Sum despite the new face of Citizens

Genoa still debate on include Vox in Spain SumaMoreno defends Spain Sum as the only formula for electoral defeat SánchezEl PP already has the brand of "Spain S

Married will insist until the end in the formula Spain Sum despite the new face of Citizens
Genoa still debate on include Vox in Spain SumaMoreno defends Spain Sum as the only formula for electoral defeat SánchezEl PP already has the brand of "Spain Sum" to prepare a coalition with Citizens

Paul Married and Albert Rivera have been closer than ever this week, in the two-hour meeting that held in the office of the leader of the opposition in the Congress. They both agreed, with a discourse of unity, point Pedro Sanchez as the only responsible for the block and the repetition of elections. But that approach did not advance the formula of Spain Sum, the platform with which the PP would like to run in the elections together with other parties of the centre-right with the aim of uniting forces and defeat the left. The leader of Citizens was commissioned yesterday to take another slam, the nth, but perhaps the most resounding, to the proposal of the popular.

At the meeting last Monday afternoon, ordered Rivera to talk about a possible abstention in a investiture of Sanchez if this met the three conditions, Married, took care of to put on the table the issue that was most interested in, the Spain Addition. It was the first time that the president of the PP had the opportunity to explain to the Citizens their proposal.

Even showed him a simulation of the seats that could get if they avoid the fragmentation of the vote. According to popular sources, might be closer to a "sufficient majority". Citizens claim that the conversation never reached that level of depth.

Rivera listened to Married, but did not hide that the idea of going hand-in-hand to the polls not liked to the least. However, since the PP is interpreted that long meeting as a first step to continue talking. Now, with the elections already confirmed, you have almost a month to find a possible agreement, that Married will pursue until the end, both in Congress and in the Senate.

One of the greatest defenders and promoters of Spain, Sum, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo, insisted yesterday, in an informal chat with journalists, that the differences between the PP and Citizens are small, so before or after looks inevitable that "reunification" of the centre-right . Yes, believes that it can take "months or years" in which is really effective a solution that would have to be "global" for the whole of Spain. By now, the emergency election make the PP look already quick solutions and timely, without ruling out for the moment nothing, especially in the constituencies small.

In the PP ensured that we saw in Citizens a certain willingness to keep talking. But a few minutes after that the popular will let see your optimism, relative, reached the jug of cold water with the appearance of Rivera in the Congress. Questioned specifically by whether Citizens would go with your brand in all the polls in Spain, Albert Rivera expressed clearly his conviction that this formula would not work. "Our sociologists tell us not to give the numbers . That would send people to the abstention and will move to the left", explain from the directorate of Citizens.

based On these premises built yesterday its rejection. "Of course you have to add, as in Andalucia," Rivera said. But not before. Rivera is convinced that such a formula would push many of its voters not to vote: "we're Going to add seats to not earn Sanchez. With intelligence. Sanchez you want to a Spain that is both red and blue", that's why he defends "a sum intelligent does not subtract votes, please do not send votes to the abstention." is Also has been ruled out of the Senate, where the election system penalizes everything that is not the first party and where a covenant prior yes you could have a lot of impact on the final composition of the upper House. This is justified by the "differences" that Citizens and PP have about the role of this institution, as they propose to "reform it or close it". But, ultimately, the rejection is in the key election so as not to give "instruments" to Sanchez for the new campaign in terms of polarization as the 28 of April: "it Is important not to give even a single excuse." Yesterday same sources socialists indicated that even if such a coalition were to happen in the Senate would serve to "mobilize at a general level".

yes, Rivera has pledged to reach an agreement with Married "in less than a month", if the results of the 10 of November give the "one seat over" to the option of removing the PSOE's Executive: "We have the option of forming an alternative Government to mr. Sanchez".

Date Of Update: 19 September 2019, 10:01