Science: Thousands of researchers publish in pseudo-scientific publishing houses

They do not check contributions and thus also disseminate non-scientific studies: According to reports of a research association, there are more and more dubious predatory publishers worldwide.

Science: Thousands of researchers publish in pseudo-scientific publishing houses

Several thousand scientists worldwide are to have published IhreForschungsergebnisse in pseudo-scientific publishing houses. This resulted in research by NDR, WDR and SüddeutscheZeitung magazine in cooperation with international media. Diesogenannten robbery Publishers do not observe basic rules derwissenschaftlichen quality assurance, such as reviewing studies by or scientists. The published Beiträgeoft were also financed by public funds.

About 400,000 scientists are to be affected by this phenomenon worldwide. In Germany alone, more than 5,000 researchers have published worthless online journals. Among or things, employees of Helmholtz Association, Fraunhofer Institute, at Leipzig Hannover, as well as a Nobel laureate have been published in PseudowissenschaftlichenVerlagen. Many of scientists concerned have reacted surprisingly to research results – apparently y hadn't checked DieSeriosität of publishers.

Dubious publishers specifically address researchers

According to reports, phenomenon of dubious journals has been known for years. German universities UndForschungsgesellschaften have warned several times before. What is new is Jedochdas strongly increasing extent: according to research, number of such Publikationenbei five of most important publishers has tripled since 2013 and even quintupled in Germany.

Many pseudo-scientific publishers specifically address scientists as y have to prove many publications for ir scientific Karrieremöglichst. The parties concerned published ir results against payment vonteilweise high fees in online journals issued by companies in South Asia, Gulf region, Africa or Turkey. The Unternehmenbehaupteten is, though, to submit research results as usual internationally to Veröffentlichunganderen experienced scientists for examination and correction. According to DenRecherchen, this is usually not done and contributions werdenbereits published after a few days.

Pharmaceutical companies can publish unaudited studies

Often pseudo-scientific journals publish Fragwürdige studies with a seemingly scientific background. Diesewerden n often through citations in master or Doktorarbeitenweiterverbreitet. For example, some authors seem to use targeted dieDienste of such publishers to quickly publish research papers without having to criticize colleagues. These include etwaKlimawandelskeptiker or pharmaceutical companies, which can publish ir unaudited studies.

Date Of Update: 20 July 2018, 12:02