The Emir of Qatar, Tamim Ben Hamad Al Thani, signed on Tuesday February 27, on the first day of his state visit to France, an agreement relating to Qatari investment commitments amounting to 10 billion euros in the French economy by 2030. “We have signed an ambitious investment plan of 10 billion euros,” announced President Emmanuel Macron during the exchange of toasts with his host, at the opening of the dinner given in his honor at the Elysée.

“These investments will strengthen strategic partnerships between our two countries,” added the Emir. They will intervene in sectors such as energy transition, semiconductors, aerospace, artificial intelligence, digital, health and cultural industries.

This first state visit by an Emir of Qatar in fifteen years, and the first for Tamim Ben Hamad Al Thani since his accession to the throne in 2013, “constitutes an honor done to France and illustrates the depth of the ties that unite [the] two countries”, underlined the Elysée.

“Your country is a friendly country of France, a faithful, strategic partner, on which it knows how to count in difficult situations,” added the president, recalling the common agenda of “defense and security” that the two States are “strengthening” or in the “fight against terrorism”.

Humanitarian cooperation

The two countries signed, during this visit, a declaration of intent in terms of humanitarian cooperation, particularly in Gaza, including a joint commitment of 200 million euros in favor of the Palestinians. Three Franco-Qatari cargo planes also transported humanitarian and medical aid to El-Arich, an Egyptian town near Rafah, including 75 tons of freight, ten ambulances, food rations, as well as nearly 300 family tents, announced the ‘Elysium.

For the state dinner, guests, personalities from the world of sport, economics and culture were invited. Former President Nicolas Sarkozy, ardent architect of strengthening ties with Qatar during his mandate (2007-2012), was at the head table, between the wife of the Head of State, Brigitte Macron, and the President of the Parisian football club PSG, businessman Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, member of the emir’s inner circle. From the captain of the French football team and star striker of PSG Kylian Mbappé to the CEOs of LVMH, Qatar Airways and Airbus, the guests arrived at the Elysée to the sound of Viennese waltzes played by the Republican Guard.