Strong emotions guaranteed with the legendary remontadas, on Canal

In 2021, a Spanish word makes its entry into the edition of the Petit Larousse illustré. Remontada, which means “ascent” in the language of Cervantes, goes down in history. Its definition? Unexpected rise in score allowing the losing team to take victory in a football match, when there was a large difference in points (goals) between the two teams. By extension, unexpected victory of a team or a player during a competition.

By giving the floor to famous players (Karim Benzema in the lead) who have lived close to improbable reversals of situation, to psychologists explaining the springs of this emotional lift, to coaches who have succeeded, in a few words, in restoring confidence to their downed players, this documentary turns out to be fascinating. And the numerous filmed extracts of encounters that have given rise to memorable re-enactments, allow you to travel in a universe where strong emotions are at ease.

A welcome historical reminder: the term “remontada” was already used in the 1970s in Spain. Juanito, emblematic player of Real Madrid, had even become the symbol of the spirit of revolt of the Madrid club, capable of reversing the most desperate situations. But, in the minds of the French public, a meeting alone symbolizes the ultimate, most unlikely comeback: the one that opposed, on March 8, 2017, FC Barcelona to Paris Saint-Germain on the occasion of an eighth of Champions League second leg final.

In the first leg at the Parc des Princes on February 14, 2017, the Parisian players won 4-0. All statistical studies then prove that the chances of reversing the situation are nil for the Catalans. Result of a legendary return game? 6-1 for the Blaugranas of Luis Enrique, elimination in Paris and scenes which, years after the fact, continue to haunt people’s minds.

“The player becomes a spectator”

Livid looks, tears, palpable distress, what does a high-level professional feel in these out-of-the-ordinary moments? “Mind and emotion are two different things. There are players who are very strong mentally but who do not know how to manage their emotions, ”summarizes Habib Beye, former player turned consultant. When the match spirals out of control, “the brain goes to sleep, the player becomes a spectator,” adds psychologist Meriem Salmi. Microtraumas, blackouts, you don’t come out unscathed from a rebound.

For journalist Chérif Ghemmour, author of Remontada. Panorama of football’s craziest comebacks (Larousse, 2021), the team that reverses a seemingly hopeless situation “enters into total communion with the cosmos, with the universe, with God. We were in darkness, in nothingness, and suddenly we see the light! »

In fact, those who have lived through such moments will remember them all their lives, whether they were a player or a coach. Bixente Lizarazu with the return match Bordeaux-Milan AC in March 1996, Didier Drogba and Chelsea-Naples in March 2012, Vladimir Smicer in the Champions League final Liverpool-Milan in May 2005.

Without forgetting the young coach Didier Deschamps with Monaco-Real on April 6, 2004 or Rolland Courbis, coach of an OM led 4-0 at half-time on his lawn by Montpellier on August 22, 1998 and winner in the end 5-4. You never forget a comeback.