Manuel Carrasco gave an interview to El Hormiguero on Wednesday, April 26. The singer, who presented his Corazón y flecha tour, revealed the ritual that follows before each concert.

“We are talking about the number of sensations one has when he goes on stage, when he feels alone, accompanied, sad, happy, all there at the same time. Do you have any method before going out? The before is screwed. Before going out is It’s like all your fears come to you and they told me that you drink tequila,” said Pablo Motos.

“Yes, yes, yes. The fire of the tequila changes a little. I am like a monk throughout the day, I don’t speak. If you are talking to me and I am answering you, I am in another world. I am two people on that same day. That is to say, then on stage the whole film changes and that’s it. But yes, man, you have to degrease a little, the little touch, the toast before starting is good, “said the guest.

“Before I go on stage, even when I travel, I’m always scared to death. That doesn’t change throughout my career,” he said. In addition, the artist revealed what he feels when he goes on stage. “There is nothing like it. The part that I suffer, that there is a lot, everything goes to the background when you see yourself there, you are loose, you are free and you feel that you were born for this. I feel privileged to dedicate my time to something that I like and in all that time that I dedicate, not everything is rosy, of course, but in those moments, when the concert arrives, when I am enjoying myself, when I am comfortable, when I am sweating and I notice that there is complicity, which is largely the majority of the time, there one removes all the evils and thinks ‘we were born for this'”, he confessed.

The interpreter spoke about his tour of America, where he met Joaquín Sabina. “I met Sabina. The last two times I’ve been to Argentina I’ve been with him. The previous time I went to see him at the concert and the other time we went to dinner. What can I tell you, I’m a big fan of Sabina,” he said.

“Does he continue to take care of himself as always? In other words, nothing,” said the driver of the format. “You already know it, if he doesn’t take care of himself, that’s when he’s better. It’s a classic in him,” the interviewee joked.

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