Feelings and emotions are more important than the facts of the crime

MejlaAnders Here+ FÖLJÅSIKTKänslor is more important than the facts of the brottenProblemet is, what is the minister of the interior Michael Dambergs, to-do lis

Feelings and emotions are more important than the facts of the crime
MejlaAnders Here+ FÖLJÅSIKTKänslor is more important than the facts of the brottenProblemet is, what is the minister of the interior Michael Dambergs, to-do list. There are 10,000 more police officers, but many more are the social workers, and special education teacher.

Some leader board. is the independence of the director.Photo credit: TIM IVARSSONJerzy Sarnecki, a professor in the kriminologiLEDARE In a week, the interior minister Mikael Damberg (S), two pressträffar. & nbsp;
– today is the day for the secret serial data, began on Tuesday.

the Subject was a proposal to allow the police to hack phones and listen to encrypted digital communications.

< a href="_2ZkCB"> "We clearly have a problem with the firings, and then the police have to have the right tools," continued the minister of the interior in the outgoing year and the proposed licenstvång of vapenmagasin.

< a href="_2ZkCB">

Two of the government bills. , in the same area in two days is unheard of, but Michael Dambergs you say something about the role of the criminal policy now.

< a href="_2ZkCB"> this is the most important thing.

< a href="_2ZkCB"> , Or the top-of-mind,” which is one of the government's top policy officials, to explain to me.

< a href="_2ZkCB, and It was a day of media reports about the felony crimes of violence, explosions and the firings and the political system as a whole, seems to have panicked. And for good reason.

< a href="_2ZkCB"> Personally I got stuck on a piece of news from Sweden this week. As a note of All of the museums.

< a href="_2ZkCB"> ”the Boy in the lower teens is assaulted, in Sweden, of the other children,” was in the title.

< a href="_2ZkCB">

on Wednesday, at half past nine in the evening. was a young boy, and the open air of the unknown to the perpetrator. The boy didn't need to be taken to the hospital, but if you know something, you would have to call the police.

< a href="_2ZkCB"> was the Result of an incident report on the police's website, a few news items, and a couple of rows in FROM the home page.

< a href="_2ZkCB">

It was an ordinary day.

< a href="_2ZkCB"> In Sweden we are counting on our politicians. We believe that the government has the answers, that the society is able to protect us, the police, the fire brigade and the ambulance is there in case of a crisis. What good does it do to us when the mechanism is no longer working? When the fabric flaws – a couple right in a row?

< a href="_2ZkCB"> People might not be afraid that someone is going to blow up the local pizzeria is up in the air. However, it is permitted to send the kids to the grocery store? Get the daughter to walk home alone from a training session? You can put the car on the street?

< a href="_2ZkCB> I think the answer for a growing number of today is" no." Everyday life is experienced no longer as safe as it once was.

< a href="_2ZkCB">

the Government has come up with a list of 34 actions: with the crime, as well as Michael Dambergs proposal licenstvång of vapenmagasin. Many of these proposals require us to rethink key management principles.

< a href="_2ZkCB">

the Balance between government power and personal privacy will have to be changed.

< a href="_2ZkCB"> the Secret serial data, means that the police can install the spy software on people's phones, if they believe an offence that may be more than two years in prison. There are quite a large number of crimes, but to be honest, I think very few of the objects. More power to the police is reasonable in the light of what we see around us.

< a href="_2ZkCB">

an Anonymous witness, kronvittnen and a decrease in straffbarhetsålder , will probably be introduced. Lawyers learn to make a protest, and, perhaps, Liberal youth of sweden, but other than that, we will all have to accept it.

< a href="_2ZkCB"> Is there any support for a hard line of work?

the Answer is: yes and no.

< a href="_2ZkCB"> In a week, published in Jerzy Sarnecki, professor in criminology, with a low-key reply, in the second Quarter, with the headline the social work for the care of the novices. He was going fairly through it, the world view that dominates our criminal policy debate.

< a href="_2ZkCB">

the Work of the summit? It all depends on the answer.

< a href="_2ZkCB"> The gängkriminella with a weak connection to community and strong personal relationships in a criminal sub-culture works, it's a bad thing. And to the lock-in has in addition, according to the research, the less the crime prevention impact than you might think from the debate.

< a href="_2ZkCB">

"the Police action is only a part of the solution to the problem, which can be fatal skjutvapenvåldet. Recruitment to the criminal environment will need to be suspended in order that the work of the police to be effective. The long-term action that involves the school, child care, employment, social services, civil society and other stakeholders is essential", says Jerzy Sarnecki.

< a href="_2ZkCB"> According to the statistics, the deadly violence of the ' 90s to 2012 and then increase. That the curve is facing, however, is not generally at increased risk of becoming a victim of serious domestic violence. "The surge of deadly violence in 2012, is entirely an effect of the increase in the skjutvapenvåldet in a criminal environment." writes Sarnecki.

< a href="_2ZkCB">

But do not hide the fact the researchers of immigrants ' over-representation in the criminal activity?

< a href="_2ZkCB"> This, says Sarnecki, is based on an outright lie. There is a minimum of 25 credits from 1974 to the present day, who are studying this, and this is one of the most widely discussed. It is an over-representation, but it is, according to the research, for the most part, the socio-economic factors, and housing segregation.

< a href="_2ZkCB">

However, the really interesting question is whether the facts of the matter when the politicians seem to to get the

up to the new policy.

< a href="_2ZkCB"> Fortunately it appears the police are still reading the papers rather than opinion polls. Week published the Most-a survey, in which 14 police chiefs in the country, the vulnerable areas are found in the same thing as Jerzy Sarnecki. They are calling for preventive measures, investment in school, and work, in order to reduce recruitment into gangs.

< a href="_2ZkCB"> To believe that you are going to gängkriminaliteten by arrest away the problem, then you are absolutely on the wrong path, " said Ulf Merlander, lokalpolisområdeschef of Storgöteborg the north-east.

< a href="_2ZkCB, and It may seem like a paradox that the politicians require the harsh action, while the police department is seeking more resources to the school. But really, it's quite logical. Many of the measures that Mikael Damberg is now going to run again, it can make a big difference. It is necessary tough, especially against the organized crime. The community needs to take back control.

< a href="_2ZkCB">

the Problem is, what is Michael Dambergs, to-do list. , Which is 10 000 more police officers, but many more are the social workers, and special education teacher. Where there is more supervision and control, but not more than that period of time, and the support of all of the students to cope with school life. There is the tied hand, but not the helping hand.

< a href="_2ZkCB">

There is one leg of an effective policy in place, but not in the other.

< a href="_2ZkCB"> Next week there will be new pressträffar, and the more recent moves. Hopefully, the things that the police are actually asking for, and research support.

< a href="_2ZkCB"> What is needed is less emotion and more facts of criminal policy.

Date Of Update: 27 October 2019, 11:49