In full controversy over the changes that the PSOE leadership has made in the candidacies for the general elections on July 23, Pedro Sánchez has intervened this Saturday before the Federal Committee of the party, ignoring the discomfort of the barons of Castilla-La Mancha, Aragon , the Valencian Community and Castilla y León for these impositions.

“Today we approve the lists of women and men who are going to be in the front line of defense of our project. But what matters is what is behind those names, what matters is an active militancy that knows how to carry that message of hope to the last corner of the national territory”, has settled the president of the Government and general secretary of the socialists trying to quell the controversy.

More explicit has been the acting mayoress of Toledo and president of the Federal Committee, Milagros Tolón, who has called for unity from her fellow ranks before the appointment with the polls on 23-J: “Let’s hope that this time the entire party and its leaders Let’s be united like a pineapple and nobody puts their particular electoral interests before those of the organization and nobody lends themselves to being the useful fool of the right”.

In his speech of more than half an hour, the president has dedicated exactly 30 seconds to dispatching the pact reached between Sumar and Podemos to run with the same ballot in the elections on July 23: “The agreement announced yesterday by different political forces to our left is more than positive news, because unity is the first sign of responsibility because it avoids uselessly dispersing energy. And responsibility is the condition for leaving sterile noise behind and concentrating on what really matters to the citizenry”.

Immediately afterwards, he has focused a good part of his speech on reeling off the achievements of the Government that he presides over, ignoring that he shares it in a coalition with the purple formation, and has appealed once again for the useful vote to his party after having buried the strategy of proposing a tandem with Yolanda Diaz. “We are building the Spain that our sons and daughters deserve, that our grandparents and our parents dreamed of (…). This country is not a utopia, it is not an electoral promise. We have been building it for five years and we are absolutely dedicated to completing it work. But that work is non-transferable, it corresponds to the Socialists”, he stressed.

Likewise, he has presented his intervention as a confrontation between his economic model and that of the PP, which he has accused of continuing to “cling” to the “neoliberal model based on the weakening of the Welfare State and every man for himself”. To which he has added: “That is why they do not want to talk about the economy, because they do not know what to say. All they can think of is babbling old recipes (…). We have Nadia [Calviño, minister of the branch] and they they have… no one.”

What Sánchez has not done is any self-criticism about the debacle of the autonomous and municipal governments, in which the PSOE has lost six regional governments -Valencian Community, Aragon, Extremadura, the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands and La Rioja- and several city councils, including that of Seville and Valladolid. “The main reasons are known, they have been said in many media: there has been a concentration of the conservative vote around only two forces and a strong dispersion of the vote to our left”, he has limited himself to pointing out the result.

With a view to 23-J, Sánchez stressed that they are going out “to win” and that they have “the best project and the best team”. And he concluded: “This party knows better than anyone how majorities that transform Spain are achieved. We have done it with wind in favor and wind against it. It is time to do it again, with more conviction than ever. Go for it “.

Emiliano García-Page and Javier Lambán have not finally attended the Federal Committee of the PSOE after the controversy over the changes that the party leadership has made to the electoral lists sent by their federations. In the case of the president of Castilla-La Mancha “in principle” he had planned to attend the meeting at the party headquarters in Madrid, while the president of Aragon had not confirmed.

Page’s team has excused his absence because in the case of Castilla-La Mancha this Saturday “only” the “list ratification” will take place. The only socialist baron who obtained an absolute majority resisted on Friday Ferraz displacing his right-hand man, Sergio Gutiérrez, as number one in the candidacy for Congress for Toledo to place Milagros Tolón, who has finally been placed in second position, although In any case, it is an imposition of the Lists Commission of the Federal Executive since the current acting mayor of the city was not included in the ballot sent by the regional party.

The Aragonese socialists, in turn, have revolted after Ferraz has placed Susana Sumelzo, a member of the national leadership, as number two on the Zaragoza list, after the regional party had already complied with putting the Minister of Education, Pilar Alegría, against her criteria. “We prepared magnificent candidacies for Congress and the Senate. I am very sorry that the citizens of Teruel and Zaragoza are not going to have the opportunity to vote for them,” Lambán wrote on Twitter.

Nor has Adrián Barbón, the president who will revalidate his mandate at the head of the Government of Asturias, attended the meeting. In the case of him in his team, they argue, he had a prior personal commitment, but he has sent a delegation of the socialists of his federation to be represented. “There is no discrepancy,” they specify.

Yes, he has attended the Federal Committee to “show face” as “always” has been the still acting president of the Generalitat Valenciana, who has avoided delving into the discomfort that the change of lists in Ferraz has caused in the regional leadership. Ximo Puig has defended that “everyone makes their decisions and is responsible for them” and that “the fundamental thing is that the project led by Sánchez has the greatest possible support”.

For his part, the general secretary of the PSOE in Castilla y León, Luis Tudanca, has been “outraged, disappointed” and “enormously disappointed” by the change in the candidacies of two of his provinces and has ruled out that there is room to solve it ” , reports Europa Press.The national leadership of the party has decided Javier Izquierdo to head the Senate for Valladolid and Manuel Arribas, one of the well-known participants in dinners with Tito Berni, to lead the list to Congress for Ávila.

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