28-M Podemos presses to save Madrid and activates the asset of Pablo Iglesias to launch the campaign

We can put the cards face up as soon as we start

28-M Podemos presses to save Madrid and activates the asset of Pablo Iglesias to launch the campaign

We can put the cards face up as soon as we start. The purple party will press from the first moment of the campaign in the Community of Madrid and the Valencian Community to save the two most mediatic places in the regional and municipal elections and where their political survival is also at stake. This is the case of the Madrid region, cradle of the purple formation, in which all the polls place 5% of the votes at the edge of the precipice. The threshold that marks getting representation in the Assembly.

Madrid is the setting in which Podemos will launch the 28-M campaign, with Ione Belarra and Irene Montero, its two top leaders, leading next Thursday afternoon the pasting of posters and covering the Madrid candidates of Unidas Podemos: Alejandra Jacinto for the regional authorities and Roberto Sotomayor for the Madrid City Council.

Sources from Podemos report that this event will take place in the Plaza de las Asambleas in the Orcasitas neighborhood, in the Usera district of Madrid. It is "a historic and pioneering enclave in terms of citizen participation and associative movements for the right to housing", according to the purple party.

In parallel, prominent leaders such as Lilith Verstrynge, Rafa Mayoral or Ángela Rodríguez, Pam, will support other poster sticking with other regional and municipal candidates.

From there, the first highlight of the campaign will take place on Friday the 12th in Valencia. Belarra and Montero will go to the capital of the Turia to promote the options of Héctor Illueca to the Generalitat Valenciana and of Pilar Lima to the Valencia City Council. The first, who is already vice president of the Government, has much more solid prospects than the second, who is fighting to achieve the representation that the party did not have in 2019. On the other hand, Illueca seems to have more cushion, although not without risks.

Saturday's campaign program confirms the commitment of the Podemos leadership to the Community of Madrid as the strategic axis of the elections. Aware of the need to reach 5% to secure the Assembly and to stay alive in the fight to get representation in the capital's consistory, Belarra and Montero repeat the tandem to raise Jacinto and Sotomayor once again. It will be with an act focused on the defense of the rights of the LGTBI community, in which to raise the flag of the Trans Law. For his part, the parliamentary spokesman Pablo Echenique will travel to Murcia to support María Marín and the other candidates in the region.

We can soon activate the trick of Pablo Iglesias, who will enter to play in this campaign with an act on Sunday in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The former secretary general will campaign for Noemí Santana, who faces the difficult challenge of facing a double split in the Podemos space. The one led by Alberto Rodríguez with his candidacy Drago Verdes Canarias and the one promoted by Meri Pita, with Reunir. Both were deputies in Congress and prominent leaders of Podemos in the current legislature.

For her part, Belarra will go to Mallorca on Sunday to participate in an act together with the candidates Antònia Jover (Balearic Islands) and Lucía Muñoz (Palma).

The start of the campaign demonstrates the maximum involvement that the ministers Belarra and Montero will assume. The general secretary of Podemos will do at least 15 acts, while the head of Equality will participate in about 12 rallies.

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