Antonio Martínez Sarrión dies, Novalent poet

That laboratory invention that Josep Maria Castellet titled as nine Novosals is slimming. Other of those young people who changed the social poetry and commit

Antonio Martínez Sarrión dies, Novalent poet

That laboratory invention that Josep Maria Castellet titled as nine Novosals is slimming. Other of those young people who changed the social poetry and commitment for an avant-garde aesthetic to which they incorporated the cinema, fashion, jazz, television ads ... almost everything could be. And Venice was paradise to which we had to go or return.

Antonio Martínez Sarrión (Albacete, 1939) was one of the sailors of that Mediterranean crossing. He liked to go for free. He was passionate about jazz and a reference translator, there are his versions of Baudelaire, Genet, Leiris, Musset, Hugo and Chamfort. He also published two memories, childhood and corruption books (1993) and a youth (both in Alphaguara).

But above all, Martínez Sarrión, a law degree, was a poet. The Inaccessible Center (Poetry 1967-1980) (Hyperion) collects those first books of rupture and daring: Operations Theater (1967), guidelines for conjuring (1967-1969), eight chosen elegies in ancient verses (1972) and a thromba Mortal for whalers (1970-1973). He followed later with horizon since Rada (1983), exercise on Rilke (1988), Cantil (1995), Cordura (1988), among others.

Caustic, reflective poetry, not always according to the culturalism that was supposed in the Novosals ... Over the years his poems became more sober, but they did not lose the spark.

His newspapers are particularly juicy. He knew how to be scathing, he enjoyed irony and did not walk down the branches if something did not like it. He was fiercely independent and had him at Gala, just as his status as a siesta defender: "It is unquestionable." In loading the fate (1995) and scuffed (2000) there is a whole range of reflections, anecdotes, linguistic curiosities and reflections on authors and books.

"Because this afternoon," he reads himself, "I am an autumnal mood," not autumn, be careful! - I dedicate myself to rebuscar, in my tongue, poems about the station. " And so it reaches Rubén Darío and Juan Ramón Jiménez, and then it leads to this talk to himself (and that for so much it is worth). "In youth, there is no more remedy than going, a little by loading, all the trails or the most of the different ways of expressing, in verse, beauty, pain, diversity or the strange and intense of the world . In maturity, however, precise and sensible will be to settle for the random ".

Jesús Munáriz, poet, editor and translator of Martínez Sarrión, treated him a lot at his time, he has remembered him like this: "He had been reclined, he had always had problems of vision but now he had been almost blind. They had to read and that for A poet is very hard. With Pepe Esteban we edited a magazine that lasted nine or ten numbers. He was also a friend of Jenaro Talens. "

The poetry of Antonio Martínez Sarrión, for Munárriz, "had a Castilian manchego side and another surrealist, which gave the book a richness of images. But not mounted in the air. His memoir and his newspapers are very interesting.

Maybe this poem, Holiday, from the book a deadly tromby for the whalers, reflect those ideas:

"At the end of this Sunday of Piñata profoundly miserable / will open in fan the week / on Mondays with a polka dot and many pencils / on Tuesdays of orchestral rivers / from the burned Wednesdays of Magnesium / Nobody will dare to collect, Always present, / on Thursdays with the freshest dripping lilacs repeatedly and red as open grenades / Saturdays with ethiopian dancers and timbales / Sundays all with evening rescued / to play the corro under the infinite pallium / of the light declining to the chord ".

Some will also remember Martínez Sarrión for his participation in many television programs of what great the cinema, who directed José Luis Garci.

From the payroll of Castellet Pervive Pere Gimferrer, which had to do in the preparation of the list, and an exquisite one who keeps his glare, Guillermo Raf. He also keeps writing Felix from Azúa, although many years ago he separated from poetry (or vice versa). And Vicente Molina Foix, in other lides. Follow José María Álvarez, and publishing. They are no longer, Anna Maria Moix, Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, Leopoldo María Panero. Neither Antonio Martínez Sarrión, died by a heart attack. He was 82 years old.

Date Of Update: 21 September 2021, 08:45