Citizens challenges to the PSOE to support a law to pursue tributes to ETARRAS with forceful fines

No tribute to ETA without punishing. Say what the prisoners of the terrorist band will now say about their predisposition that there are not in the future.

Citizens challenges to the PSOE to support a law to pursue tributes to ETARRAS with forceful fines

No tribute to ETA without punishing. Say what the prisoners of the terrorist band will now say about their predisposition that there are not in the future. Citizens carries Tuesday to the Congress of the Deputies an ambitious law that wants to end the impunity in which many of the acts of reception to the Etars that come out of prison and that, despite the "humiliation of the victims", now The courts are with difficulty to pursue to protect themselves - they say - in freedom of expression.

Faced with manifest problems to punish these ONGI Etorris, the party led by Inés arranged proposes to open a new legal way to pursue the receipts of eTares by administrative pathway, much simpler than the penalty, through strong economic fines to those responsible. It would punish and dissuade through the pocket.

The problem of the return of the ONGI Etorris caused alarm this summer with the homage disguised as Pasacalles who received in Bilbao the Agustín Almaraz Etarra. Applause, music and parade with dozens of people to receive a four-person murderer. Well, the law proposed by citizens raises sanctions ranging from 50,000 to 250,000 euros to the promoters of this type of acts in honor of terrorists. Acts that now are unpunished.

The Liberal Party challenges the PSOE to support the admission to the process of this law after having reached a pact with Eh Bildu for the general budgets of the state of 2022. It would be carried out by the words of the minister of Justice, pillar llop, when just a month ago he recriminated to the left abertzale that humilia the victims of terrorism participating in the Etorris NGO. Almaraz had the complicity of SORTU, the main party that make up the coalition of Eh Bildu, which, in addition, disseminated the images.

The denunciation of this type of acts by choice of terrorism is crashing for a long time with the interpretation that the national audience is doing, which requires almost an incitement to crime to condemn those responsible.

Therefore, the alternative route found by CS is to go to the fines and not to jail to punish harshly "acts related to public tribute, public concession of distinctions, apology or individual or collective exaltation of terrorism, terrorists or The terrorist organizations, or that involve discredit, desprese, offense or humiliation to victims of terrorism or their families. "

For citizens the communiqué launched this Monday by the prisoners of ETA asking for the receipts to stop being "public" to be "discrete" would not be an excuse to shield in a law the punishment to the tributes. Maxime when, they point from the Orange Party, the Etars have no credibility.

As for the PSOE, citizens warn the government that "democratic memory" does not end with the Franco dictatorship, but continues with those who defended democracy against ETA. And it puts its support for this law as a condition to the Socialist Party to negotiate any other parliamentary matter.

If there is a no, as it fears, and more after the statement of the prisoners, the dialogue between citizens and the PSOE could be given for the remainder of legislature. "It would be difficult for us to support them absolutely nothing," explain from the Orange Party.

The citizens' initiative goes beyond the Etorior NGO, because it addresses a "comprehensive repair of the victims". Another of the most novel aspects of the law is the expansion of the status of terrorism to all those who were persecuted or who had to flee from the Basque Country threatened by the Violence of ETA. For them, the full recovery of their "political rights" and that can vote in this autonomous community, although they live outside.

The law also obliges to include information on the criminal activity of the band or to pay tribute to the victims in the streets of their places or to which the town halls place commemorative plaques where the murders occurred. Same as the consistories are required to erase from the street or public space any allusion or trace that serves to recognize ETA.

Date Of Update: 30 November 2021, 01:41