'El Guernica in five senses', an exhaustive tour of the return of the masterpiece to Spain

The arrival of the Guernica of Pablo Picasso to Spain 40 years ago after a roaming life by different countries and being under the custody of the Museum of Mode

'El Guernica in five senses', an exhaustive tour of the return of the masterpiece to Spain

The arrival of the Guernica of Pablo Picasso to Spain 40 years ago after a roaming life by different countries and being under the custody of the Museum of Modern Art of New York (MOMA) opened a new artistic dimension in our country. That fact, occurred on October 25, 1981, is the one who has inspired the documentary the Guernica in five senses, produced by UETV and that this Sunday emits Telemadrid at 23.15.

The great artistic work of Picasso, today exhibited at the National Museum of Reina Sofía Art, is the absolute protagonist of a documentary that analyzes every detail of the monumental painting that reflects the horrors that were lived in the civil war through the sight , El Ear, Taste, Smell and Touch.

For this, this project has journalists of prestigious as Fernando Onega and Iñaki Gabilondo; The historian Álvaro Martínez Novillo, who at the time was erected as one of the key pieces in the efforts to get the Guernica to disembark in Spain; the painters Rafael Canogar and Cristóbal Tolah, who will wear the artistic nuances of the work; The Ramón Ramón Freixá, one of the great experts in the sector; The historian Genoveva Tusell. In addition, the documentary also has the presence of one of the bombing survivors that inspired the picture, Etxabe Crucita.

This crucible crucible in the art will trace the journey that the Guernica followed during its first years by 11 countries - United States, Sweden, Norway, Italy, United States ...- as part of more than 40 exhibitions before arriving at the cason del Good retreat, in the emblematic park of the capital. That was his first location before being definitively transferred to Queen Sofia.

In the documentary, facts are also remembered that Paul Picasso himself came to demand that his work not be issued at any point in Spain while the country did not live under a democracy. Some of the participants remember how the coup d'etat that Lieutenant Colonel Antonio Ferjero promoted on February 23, 1981 were about to break negotiations for the return.

Before the documentary prepared by the editorial unit producer, Telemadrid will issue a new delivery of his program dismantling Madrid. The space presented by Delgado Rocío will recreate with digital templates such as the streets and buildings of Madrid of the Civil War during the decade of the years and will discover the location of Trencheras, Barricades and Bunkers, as well as whole neighborhoods that were bombed during the conflict armed.

Date Of Update: 24 October 2021, 16:46