Eliminate Muface, as you want, we can, would involve 800 million direct surchase for public health

The system of health coverage of the officials has been threatened on many occasions. The last of these sends came only a few days ago in the form of a propos

Eliminate Muface, as you want, we can, would involve 800 million direct surchase for public health

The system of health coverage of the officials has been threatened on many occasions. The last of these sends came only a few days ago in the form of a proposal not presented (PNL) by the group we can in Congress, claiming that "the new additions of collectives to date protected by administrative mutualism be included in the General regime of the National Health System »What, in practice, aboccates the destruction of administrative mutualism.

The reactions to the PNL of we can not wait. Since the Institute for the Development and Integration of Health (IDIs), the entity that brings together the sectoral interests of private health, is recognized that there is no knowledge of which the Government as such may change the MUFACE system or eliminate it as aspirate The PNL of We can, "but the fact that its Government Partners present a PNL so is very concerned, of course," recognize IDIS sources.

From the executive, the model of mutualities is supported despite the PNL of its government partner. Treasury sources remember that the road map traced by the Commission for social and economic reconstruction after the pandemic does not include any change and support the MUFACE model.

Government endorsement to the mutual triggers for at least, the complete legislature can be observed as recalls these same hacienda sources in the recent government support to the new organizational strategy of mutuality, the MUFACE plan advances 2021-2023, which contains The priority objectives and the path of mutuality for the coming years.

And, together with this, the same sources also remember, as a sample of support for the maintenance of mutuality, which Muface actively participates in the recovery, transformation and resilience plan with six projects for its digital transformation.

Do not give continuity to this model of coverage can be a 'hole' to the coffers of public health. With the figures in hand, the IDIS Foundation has presented a study in which it details that the system of mutualities is currently covering the assistance of 1.8 million insured, 65% of them covered by the mutuality system of MUFACE officials , 31% for the mutuality of the armed forces isfas and 4% for that of the Judiciary Mugeju. These mutualities would be saving the public system between 720 and 800 million euros per year, fruit of an average premium in mutualities much lower than public spending per capita in health in the public system.

Specifically, according to its calculations, the premium in the mutualities amounted by 2020 to 917 euros by insured versus the 1,368 euros of average sanitary spending per person in the public system. Thus, the Mutualism model would be saving 451 euros per person assured with this system of mutualities, simply in direct costs.

The IDIS Foundation report simulates what would happen in case of the disappearance of mutualities, that is, if the 1.8 million people insured by mutualism currently had to be served by the public system directly. According to its calculations about 10% would choose to hire private health insurance, but the rest would be in the public system of blow, which would have to face the attention of between 1.7 and 1.8 million individuals, which would cause That the health expenditure of the until now mutualistas passed to assume for public coffers 2,230 million euros to be between 2,959 and 3,030 million according to their calculations.

The effect dominated the disappearance of mutualities would, however, it should also be taken into account that private sanitary insurers would see their activity by almost 1.5 million policies, 16% of their activity. This would involve a reduction of 1,500 million euros billing for insurers and less than societies taxes that would pay public coffers.

According to the study "given that the accidentality of the groups approaches or exceeds 100%, in this context, private health care in certain areas would be unsustainable, since the absence of insured (mutual) would motivate the disappearance from part of The private assistance network, negatively affected the accessibility of citizens' service and increased public spending ".

It is estimated, thus, the decrease of 2.1 private hospital beds per 1,000 lost policies, which would imply between 30 and 32 private hospitals and health centers, especially in lower activity geographical areas, which would be without private service, aboccing To all its population to always go to the public system, although it is currently a third of the population, the public or private system is now indiscriminately.

This closure of private centers would cause a loss of 39,000 jobs, an increase of 15% of public hospital occupation that would become 98%, and an increase of waiting lists (for the usual concerts that would not allow the derivation A privately having broken its centers) between 28 and 30 days for surgical activity and about 34 days in the activity of external consultations.

Date Of Update: 22 September 2021, 20:06