Good wasp year: heat helps the black-and-yellow mosquito catchers

According to the assessment of the environmental organization nature and biodiversity conservation Union (Nabu) are likely to buzz in a little more this year wa

Good wasp year: heat helps the black-and-yellow mosquito catchers

According to the assessment of the environmental organization nature and biodiversity conservation Union (Nabu) are likely to buzz in a little more this year wasps in Hessen around than in the previous year. Speaker Berthold Langenhorst said the German press Agency it was a "good wasp year". The number of animals depends, in particular, of the weather conditions in the spring. The was this year, mostly hot, therefore, were able to develop the insects langenhorst, according to good. The number of wasps is only an estimate and is remote based on the impressions of insects, experts, beekeepers and Schädlingsbekämp.

Even if the wasps at the Breakfast or dinner table as the dissenters perceived, they are, according to Langenhorst very useful animals. They were very good mosquito catcher and as a "health police" because they were responsible for the recycling of dead insects. The larvae fed wasps with meat, such as dead insects. On the dining plan, the adult animals are Sweet, standing for a long time, Horst said.

changing on the dining plan

as soon As the feeding of the larvae was completed in the late summer, the animals are still in search of its own food. "From the middle of August many workers are "unemployed" and then go on to Sweet release."

Date Of Update: 13 August 2020, 11:21