Life insurance: new month décollecte in may

life insurance in France continued in may plunged into the red for the third consecutive month, the withdrawals from investors who have exceeded 2.2 billion eur

Life insurance: new month décollecte in may

life insurance in France continued in may plunged into the red for the third consecutive month, the withdrawals from investors who have exceeded 2.2 billion euros investments on these contracts, according to figures from the federation of the sector. "The context atypical (confinement until mid-may, and then déconfinement progressive) has restricted the number of operations, and investments in life insurance", "analysis" in a press release, the French Federation of insurance (FFA).

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Since march, a broad movement of disaffection key life insurance contracts with collection monthly negative by an average of € 2 billion, reaching record levels that had not been seen since 2011.

In may, the benefits paid by insurers amounted to 7.9 billion euros, while the contributions paid by the insured have reached 5.7 billion euros. In the first five months of the year, the life insurance records a décollecte of 4 billion euros. Last year over the same period, the collection was full with 12.7 billion euros.

Since the beginning of the year, the amount of insurance premiums collected by insurance companies is at $ 44.4 billion, against € 61,9 billion euros in the past year. The payments on the media in units of account represent € 15.5 billion, or 35% of the contributions.

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Between January and may, the insurance companies have paid 48.4 billion euros to their insured against 49,2 billion euros over the same period in 2019. The stock of life insurance contracts amounted to $ 1754 billion euros at the end of may 2020.

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Date Of Update: 24 June 2020, 07:47