Morante, the golden brooch of number 1

The Peña Morante de la Puebla de Arenas de San Pedro gave the teacher in the last run of its rounder season a methacrylate trophy in the form of number 1, which

Morante, the golden brooch of number 1

The Peña Morante de la Puebla de Arenas de San Pedro gave the teacher in the last run of its rounder season a methacrylate trophy in the form of number 1, which there will be no shelf that supports it. As you can not stand the immense doming tormery in each gesture, in each lance, in each of the steps of it on the ring. Morante closed her Spanish season between genius and controversy. He bet with a first Torrestrella bull, nothing easy. He received him knee on the ground, he removed with the turns of the capote and looked for him with all the grace of the world. The intense boot with helped by high wine of natural superbs with command, with adjustment. Because of the right he defeated but did not get tired of the cicarar, winning his face, ignoring the defeats too much. He concluded with very personal windlands, with a knee on land (two ears).

The room was returned, from St. Pelayo and an overrus came out of the same iron that dragged the hind legs. The president, with the rush of him, decided to return it to the disbelief of professionals and amateurs. They did not get to the bull in the chiphones, then dwelling decided to go out if the cramp had passed. He rammed vibration to the fabrics of Sevillian who led him to chiphe without effect. Morante began to make gestures to the president to deal with the bull and indicated graphically: he handed the handkerchief of his jacket and staged in a versally staged the onset of the handkerchief over the box. Between laughter, the president ignored. The cavalry appeared to continue the lidia as if nothing. All the wait, Pa'ná doubled with him, as if to remove the flies but something he saw in the meek to change the rapture for the help and put with all the aplomb of him, with all the truth of him. She berapeself with him, as a degree shows of him in this 2021. He consecrated him a lot (ear).

The Diego Urdial season has been the most extensive of his career. The River has managed to enter many places so far blocked for the purity of him for the low interests of bullfighting. Very serious was the performance of him before Torrestrella's second recricate, whom he treated with an undeserved softness (ear). He found the pulse to the informal fifth, from the capea, who did not have two equal attacks. The natural he achieved moments of extraordinary Poso. FAENA based on that python, complemented with beautiful torre details (two ears after warning).

Emilio de Justo recovered the traditional image that occurred at the Pilar Fair: the Matador gave the entire crew the last bull of the season. In addition, he has been crucial for him with the two large doors of Madrid and the two ears to the Victorino de Seville. That last, of the Gutiérrez Lorenzo family, was the most enlightened in the afternoon. Just turned it to pleasure, especially with his left hand. The staging force that he has developed this year did not accompany him this time (Palmas). Yes he did it in the round task at the Third Brave, which was a torrent of acometivity. Right, very embedded, it curd it on the right hand in a task that he fastened by manoletins (two ears).

The heart of the tiétar shuddered with the eternal brooch of the season to frame from Puebla's Morante.

Date Of Update: 17 October 2021, 17:59