The PSOE wants to promote a law to abolish prostitution this legislature and sanction customers

Feminism was one of the debates that remained pending at the 40th Federal Congress of the PSOE with two great matters: the abolition of the Constitution and the

The PSOE wants to promote a law to abolish prostitution this legislature and sanction customers

Feminism was one of the debates that remained pending at the 40th Federal Congress of the PSOE with two great matters: the abolition of the Constitution and the mobilization of the Classical Feminists of the PSOE against the acceptance of the postulates that abandon united can. The debate will not collect elements of aggression around the Trans Law that has approved the Government and a commitment of the Socialists to promote a complete regulatory framework to abolish prostitution this legislature.

The proposal that has been agreed upon in the Socialist Congress is also committed to sanctioning those who go to prostitution and who profit from it. This is, to customers and the proxies. In the text promoted by the management, the PSOE was already declared abolitionist and "providing our country from a legal framework that ends the prostitution", but did not fix a calendar.

This agreement occurs as a result of an amendment submitted by the Valencian Federation, which indicated the need to commit to this legislature to present "a comprehensive law for the abolition of prostitution, a law that must protect and care for victims, sanction To prostitutes and proxientes, as well as punish all kinds of procurement ".

The PSOE assumes the commitment to launch this Law so that it can be approved in the Government, although the competition is from the Ministry of Equality that Irene Montero pilot. Socialists threaten a flag, which set a calendar - two years, what remains of legislature - in a matter that bothers its government partners.

In the United States we can exist different sensitivities regarding the abolition of prostitution. The Montero Minister has been declared on any other party occasion, but the positions other than it within the coalition of it prevent it from assuming a sharp position. Therefore, the commitment that socialists have acquired supposes to move pressure to their partners.

The measure, in addition, tries to be a kind of reconciliation with the classical feminists of the PSOE, whose most visible head is Carmen Calvo, and who has asked in recent weeks to take steps to abolish prostitution. The Minister of Presidency, Felix Bolaños, and the former president of the José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero government also spoke in the same sense.

Date Of Update: 16 October 2021, 14:52