The government corrects the PSOE and considers insufficient Bildu Pass, although it will continue to negotiate with it

The movement of Eh Bildu, recognizing for the first time in 10 years the "pain" of the victims of ETA, is marking the tenth anniversary of the announcement of

The government corrects the PSOE and considers insufficient Bildu Pass, although it will continue to negotiate with it

The movement of Eh Bildu, recognizing for the first time in 10 years the "pain" of the victims of ETA, is marking the tenth anniversary of the announcement of the EESC activity of the terrorist band. The government opted for temperance, took time to analyze the approach and the words of the Left Abertzale, and also study the reactions on the political board and society.

Its assessment, designed and calculated, has arrived more than 24 hours later. The Moncloa decides to correct the PSOE and be more forceful. She qualifies "insufficient step" and demands that they should "ask for forgiveness for the pain" caused.

Of course, the executive defends negotiations and agreements with Bildu in Congress. This Training is part of the Block of Governance whose votes the Executive needs to carry out its measurements, such as the next budgets. The Minister of the Presidency, Felix Bolaños, included the training of Arnaldo Otegi in his round of contacts to probe supports for public accounts. And they do not value renounce their support despite demanding Bildu more steps in the sentence.

If the PSOE Executive, who met this Monday with the presence of Pedro Sánchez and six ministers, considered "an important step, a point of inflection" The express mention of Bildu to the victims of ETA, the government after the repossed analysis opted For unchecking and exhibited more forcefulness.

Faced with the reflection of the PSOE oppose that it is an "insufficient step" and that, in fact, the Left Abertzale must "go from the words to the facts", condemning, for example, the Neti Etorri, the acts of tribute to the Etars when they leave prison. "They should condemn them because they are acts that revictimize those who suffered terrorism," said Isabel Rodríguez, spokesman for the executive.

The message is the same in the PSOE and the Government as to defend the possibility of negotiating and reaching agreements with Bildu, despite this criticism to take insufficient steps regarding the condemnation of terrorism. The five deputies of Bildu are decisive for the Executive to approve budgets for 2022. With this training, the Government has already agreed upon public accounts or, even, a pact was reached to repeal the labor reform, which later had to be Be rectified by the PSOE before the anger of Vice President Nadia Calviño.

"We must have absolute respect for all parliamentary representations, because Congress supposes the extension of the representation of citizens," the government spokesman defended. "There may be ideological discrepancies but you have to respect the will expressing the Spanish people and who gets parliamentary representation." This validation of the covenants with Bildu was already exhibited by Patxi López, Secretary of Democratic Memory of the PSOE Executive and Lehendakari 10 years ago when ETA left the weapons. Both he and Rodríguez have defended that if they were previously required to leave weapons and make use of the word, the rules of the parliamentary game include all the actors.

But the relationship with Bildu is an issue that removes PSOE sectors. Not all the game is comfortable with the photo next to the left abertzale. The president of Extremadura, Guillermo Fernández Vara, who is also in Sánchez's executive, is also in favor of Bildu's statement about Victims of ETA falls short. "It's more than what it always goes by saying and less than we would like to hear, so of course, more than what was saying and less than we would like to hear," he pointed out.

For the Extremadon President, the words of Otegi recognizing the "pain" of the victims of ETA "means an evolution", but "in the rest of the world because it remains very short."

Date Of Update: 20 October 2021, 05:24