The indirect Oriol Junqueras Carles Puigdemont: I was in Catalonia by responsibility

The pro-independence revive divided the defeat of 1714Los leaders of the 1-Or asked to reconstruct the unit's independence before the "Diada"Junqueras replic

The indirect Oriol Junqueras Carles Puigdemont: I was in Catalonia by responsibility
The pro-independence revive divided the defeat of 1714Los leaders of the 1-Or asked to reconstruct the unit's independence before the "Diada"Junqueras replicated to Puigdemont: "Since when Does the democratic exercise of the right to vote weakens?"

The parties and entities that had seceded agreed to an armistice to give the image of unity in the "Day" today is celebrated in Catalonia. However, the leader of ERC, Oriol Junuqeras, has taken advantage of the interview to throw a hint to the former president Carles Puigdemont . "I was in Catalonia by a sense of responsibility to the citizens. For this reason I personé in the Supreme, by responsibility and consistency," he said in a clear allusion to Puigdemont.

The republican has spoken out in an interview with the French daily 'La Depêche du Midi' , which also values its status of provisional detention. Says be calm, serene and determined and remember, CKD, has over 88 years of history and is not the first time that has had to their president in jail: "we have always consistently advocated the republican principles. What other party can say the same? Therefore, no lesson."

Junqueras has been claimed on other occasions his decision to stay in Spain while Puigdemont is fugaba of Justice in Belgium. However, other senior republican leaders, such as secretary-general of ERC, Marta Rovira, followed the footsteps of the former mayor of Gerona escaping of the courts, in this case in Switzerland.

Date Of Update: 13 September 2019, 02:00