The president of La Rioja dismisses his counselor of healing in plenty of Covid for loss of confidence

In full rise in COVID cases, with a hospital situation that begins to suffer and without peak the peak of this new surge, the president of one of the most affec

The president of La Rioja dismisses his counselor of healing in plenty of Covid for loss of confidence

In full rise in COVID cases, with a hospital situation that begins to suffer and without peak the peak of this new surge, the president of one of the most affected regions, La Rioja, has decided to dismiss its healthcare maximum.

President Riojana Concha Andreu has dismissed Sara Alba, her health counselor, for "lack of confidence," as a chain advances.

María Somalo, until now General Director of Dependency, Disability and Seniors of the Government of La Rioja, will be the new health counselor.

Since the socialist executive of La Rioja try to defend that this dismissal is not due to the management of the pandemic. But from the opposition, the PP has already linked both situations. From the 'popular' ranks consider it difficult to understand this dismissal when you have not yet been able to bend the curve of affected by the Covid, in an area like La Rioja (limited with other areas very affected as Navarra or Basque Country) where the effect Covid is very intense.

The opposition recalls that during his term, Andreu has already dismissed half a dozen of his counselors. They remember that the appointment of Alba is the person's personal, who is from the beginning of the legislature and that, even, gave him the relevance of the sparkler after the march of the journalist Chus del Rio. "It was his confidence, but he has been Positioned in an internal current of the PSOE that is not the one that controls the President, "point from the PP.

These sources point out the date chosen by Andreu for this relay -bísperas de Reyes- and the delicate situation in which Rioja healing is.

Since the Riojano government aim that the differences between both leaders and the lack of tune was great when dealing with the management of Riojana healing. The Andreu environment tries to defend that it has nothing to do with the management of the pandemic, something that is being little credible for the opposition.

According to Sources of Presidency, this lack of tuning is due to differences in criterion in the way of understanding health.

The disagreement with the President in the Organization of Health Management in La Rioja and its future planning is what has triggered this decision, the same sources have insisted.

Sara Alba leaves, thus, a management marked by the pandemic since 2020, although dotted with controversies: primary care planning, the health care situation in several municipalities, the dismissal of senior health care charges for counselor or emergency care .

Sara Alba (Logroño, 1968), is a Social Graduate from the University of La Rioja, Superior Technician in Prevention of Labor Risks Specialist in Ergonomics and Psychosociology Applied and Titled as Director of Social Services Centers.

Date Of Update: 06 January 2022, 19:03