Villarejo declares that it was Ana Rosa Quintana who made him one of the orders: She was desperate for the awkwardness of her squad

José Manuel Villarejo has declared today before the court that the commission investigated in the 'painter piece', one of the three of which the retired commi

Villarejo declares that it was Ana Rosa Quintana who made him one of the orders: She was desperate for the awkwardness of her squad

José Manuel Villarejo has declared today before the court that the commission investigated in the 'painter piece', one of the three of which the retired commissioner is being judged, was not a business, but a favor that made her friend Ana Rosa Quintana

"It was a personal favor that did not ask me these brothers whom I did not know anything, but I asked my good friend Ana Rosa, who had already asked for many favors for some time, when we were the two singles, as with the plagiarism From his book, infinity of times, "he explained to the Court of the National Hearing that he celebrates the first trial for the tandem case.

In the bench is sitting by revelation of secrets and extortion attempt the entrepreneur Juan Muñoz Tamara, husband of the presenter, and his brother, accused of hiring the Villarejo company.

"Ana Rosa told me 'Hey, I have a problem with this squad, who said, that I have done new, that it turns out that as it is younger than us and does not understand that he is married to a very famous woman. And the problem is that he is Dedicate with other people to make false invoices to obtain cash in order to pay the doctical licenses etcetera. Please help it. "

According to the brief of accusation of anti-corruption, the work of Cenyt, the Villarejo Society, included providing two videos to the Muñoz Tamara brothers in which the lawyer and former Judge Urquía appeared in the company of prostitutes consuming cocaine. It was shuffled to press with them the former judge to convince a client of his who did not attribute to Fernando Muñoz all the responsibility of a fiscal offense for which they were being investigated.

"I would have liked that Ana Rosa would have come to explain if it's true or not. Her husband met him after she asks me to help him, I had no relationship with his squat, and forgive the term, but she was Very angry by her husband's mistakes that resulted in her for her professional prestige. "

The two brothers Muñoz Tamara have reached a pact with the prosecution. They have recognized the criminal facts and, in return, have been reduced the accusation of the prison prosecutor at 11 months.

Villarejo argues that they have committed a "Bulchery" and who have lied to avoid prison. Among the lies would be that Fernando, not the husband of Ana Rosa, who paid the 20,000 euros for work. According to Villarejo, it was Juan, and the money was for two CNI agents who had provided the videos.

"The prosecutor has reached an agreement with Ana Rosa's husband to lie, he said it was not the one who gave the 20,000 euros and is false. It was he. He enters my office, he deposits them at the table and I without getting to take them, there were two members of the CNI that take that money, as they have recognized. I only acted to make a friend who was tired of her husband's irregularities or clumsiness, her brother-in-law and father. "

On several occasions, Villarejo has slipped on his answers other delicate matters, as the supposed Gamba operation that would have been mounted for discredit the Queen Letizia. According to him he said, Quintana was aware because they wanted to filter some committed mails of wanted them to diffuse.

To the third mention of the matter, the prosecutor Miguel Muños, who had attended upright to multiple personal references of the accused, has asked the President that Villarejo was tigamaged to the concrete matter for which he asked. Magistrate Angela Murillo has understood that these mentions entered the right of defense.

"Thank you, Honor. The theme is broad spectrum, I can not gird," Villarejo added, which on Tuesday has concluded his statement as defendant. Through the three pieces of the tandem case that are being judged -Emominated Iron, Land and Painter-Anti-Corruption asks more than 100 years in prison.

Date Of Update: 11 January 2022, 11:43