Baden-Württemberg: Citizens can comment on plans: Renewable energies

Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) - Since Sunday, citizens of Baden-Württemberg have been able to express their opinion on the government's plans for more renewable energies in the state.

Baden-Württemberg: Citizens can comment on plans: Renewable energies

Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) - Since Sunday, citizens of Baden-Württemberg have been able to express their opinion on the government's plans for more renewable energies in the state. The projects can be commented on on a participation portal on the Internet until the end of September. To implement the Climate Protection Act, two percent of the area is to be reserved for wind turbines and photovoltaics in open spaces. "The expansion of renewable energies affects us all. It is fundamental," said State Councilor for Civil Society and Citizen Participation, Barbara Bosch (independent). "In Baden-Württemberg, however, there is no government. We talk to each other."

Interested parties can comment on points such as the role of the municipalities and regional specifics or make their own suggestions on a so-called topic map. The State Ministry will respond to the comments on the participation portal with an evaluation, it said. This procedure has already been used several times, for example in the clean air plan for Stuttgart and at the Corona Citizens' Forum.