Baden-Württemberg: City hunters will help with problems with wild animals in the future

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - Whether wild boar in the garden or trouble with raccoons - in Baden-Württemberg, almost 130 specially trained city hunters will be able to take care of conflicts with wild animals in settlement areas in the future.

Baden-Württemberg: City hunters will help with problems with wild animals in the future

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - Whether wild boar in the garden or trouble with raccoons - in Baden-Württemberg, almost 130 specially trained city hunters will be able to take care of conflicts with wild animals in settlement areas in the future. This is reported by the "Stuttgarter Nachrichten" (Wednesday), citing a corresponding letter from the Ministry of Agriculture. "In the future, the municipalities will have a contact person for such special problems," said a ministry spokesman.

The letter informed the hunting authorities that city hunters may be used in the future. The basic requirement for a city hunter is a hunting license, like that of a conventional hunter. Then the city hunters would have to do an advanced course, get recognized and apply for a corresponding ID card. This applies nationwide. But they could only take action if a municipality ordered them, the spokesman said. The focus is on resolving conflicts: "So how do you manage, for example, that wild boars no longer rummage through the front yard," he said.

So far, the special fighters, although already trained, have not been allowed to act, write the "Stuttgarter Nachrichten". So far there has been no official action. Now these uncertainties have been eliminated, as the ministry spokesman said.