Baden-Württemberg: DGB demands better information about training

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - The German trade union federation calls for better information for young school leavers about vocational training.

Baden-Württemberg: DGB demands better information about training

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - The German trade union federation calls for better information for young school leavers about vocational training. District youth secretary Leonie Knoll announced on Wednesday in Stuttgart that young people would find it more difficult to find suitable training without high-quality careers orientation and intensive careers advice. In view of the gradual loss of importance of dual vocational training in recent years, there is an urgent need for action.

At the same time, Knoll called for further training for teachers in career orientation. Of course, not only teachers could do this, which is why she called for the establishment of special youth employment agencies. Knoll presented the Baden-Württemberg Training Report, which is published every two years.

DGB country chief Kai Burmeister appealed to companies to give young people intensive support during their apprenticeship. "We need a better quality of education." Companies are expected to provide training and not hire cheap workers.