Baden-Württemberg: State explores potential for wind and solar energy

Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) - According to estimates by the spatial planners of the regional associations and the Ministry of Construction, the construction of open-space solar systems and wind turbines is possible on more than half of the state.

Baden-Württemberg: State explores potential for wind and solar energy

Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) - According to estimates by the spatial planners of the regional associations and the Ministry of Construction, the construction of open-space solar systems and wind turbines is possible on more than half of the state. This is illustrated by the so-called plan reference cards presented by Housing Minister Nicole Razavi on Monday in Stuttgart. "The maps show where things are already happening in the country, where it's worth taking a closer look for project developers," said the CDU politician.

According to the spokesman for the working group of regional associations, Matthias Proske, this applies to 53 percent of the state's area for wind energy and 52 percent for photovoltaics. However, large parts of it are unlikely to be available for the expansion of renewable energies in the country. The maps are only an initial inventory. Before a wind turbine can actually be built, many things have to be taken into account, such as specifications for species and noise protection or air safety. Proske said that changes are still expected in species protection in particular, which will make a reassessment necessary.

By 2025, at least two percent of the state area is to be reserved exclusively for ground-mounted photovoltaic systems and for wind turbines - of which, according to the latest federal guidelines, 1.8 percent is for wind energy alone. The lack of availability of space is considered to be a major problem for the expansion. Above all, minimum distances and legal obstacles reduce the potential. Baden-Württemberg wants to try, above all, to cut the planning and approval period for wind turbines by half.