Baden-Württemberg: Swiss pharmacies: no increased demand from Germany

Bern (dpa / lsw) - Despite the shortage of medicines in Germany, the Swiss pharmacy association pharmaSuisse has so far not observed any higher demand from German customers in Swiss pharmacies.

Baden-Württemberg: Swiss pharmacies: no increased demand from Germany

Bern (dpa / lsw) - Despite the shortage of medicines in Germany, the Swiss pharmacy association pharmaSuisse has so far not observed any higher demand from German customers in Swiss pharmacies. Rather, Switzerland is also affected by bottlenecks, said a spokeswoman.

"In the current situation, it makes no sense to try to get the medicines that cannot be delivered in Switzerland," said press spokeswoman Martina Tschan when asked by dpa. "Because in Switzerland, too, demand has increased massively due to the high number of colds and flus, and there are various medicines that are affected by bottlenecks."

These included flu juices with ibuprofen or cough syrups for children with antibiotics. In Switzerland, too, more than 800 prescription drugs are currently not available. There is no similar overview for non-prescription drugs.