Baden-Württemberg: The state wants to get a better grip on crises with a new program

Interior Minister Strobl has had to manage the crisis on his own behalf for months.

Baden-Württemberg: The state wants to get a better grip on crises with a new program

Interior Minister Strobl has had to manage the crisis on his own behalf for months. In the so-called police affair, he too had come under heavy pressure. Now the CDU minister wants to focus more on his actual issues again.

Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) - Baden-Württemberg's Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) is today presenting a new computer program for better crisis management. In the event of a crisis such as a pandemic, an animal disease or a shortage of gas, it should be possible to quickly involve all the authorities concerned with the help of an electronic situation report. The program is also intended to facilitate communication and data exchange between government agencies. What is particularly new is that the system can be used across all administrative levels. So far, only the Ministry of the Interior and the disaster control authorities have worked with it, but now all ministries can connect, according to Strobl's department.

The minister wants to explain the advantages of the program at the government press conference with Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) in Stuttgart.