Daniel Snyder is willing to testify via video to the House Committee this month

Dan Snyder, Commanders owner, realizes that he can float but cannot hide.

Daniel Snyder is willing to testify via video to the House Committee this month

Dan Snyder, Commanders owner, realizes that he can float but cannot hide.

The U.S. House Committee on Oversight & Reform is trying to subpoena Snyder for testimony at a deposition. Snyder claimed he was not refusing testify, but also refused to accept the subpoena. (And possibly being unservable if he's on a superyacht in international waterways). Snyder's lawyer submitted a letter to this Committee offering to make Snyder available for video testimony.

Tisha Thompson and John Keim of ESPN.com have reported that Karen Patton Seymour, an attorney, has written a letter to the Committee indicating possible dates. She has yet to receive a reply.

Seymour stated that Snyder would be visiting Israel during "much of July" as well as "into August", in commemoration of the one year anniversary of his mother's death. According to the report, Seymour would travel with Snyder to Israel for the deposition.

The House will be in session until the end of August, then it will break for the summer. All efforts to investigate Snyder and the team will cease if the Republicans win the House in November.