Drome. Grignan: The santons carrying the effigy for the brotherhoods arrive at Provencal Miniature Village

Nineteen of the fifteen Brotherhoods of Drome met in Grignan on Saturday, June 11.

Drome. Grignan: The santons carrying the effigy for the brotherhoods arrive at Provencal Miniature Village

Nineteen of the fifteen Brotherhoods of Drome met in Grignan on Saturday, June 11. They were located near the Provencal Miniature Village. The brotherhoods were selected for a summer show after the Christmas cribs. Bernard Duc Mauge is the owner of the Miniature Village. He says, "The goal was to create something new, but also to promote Drome products." It is a great way to showcase the local terroir, by inviting brotherhoods. He invited representatives from the brotherhoods to the inauguration on Saturday.