Podemos will run out of free spaces for electoral propaganda on RTVE during the regional and municipal election campaign on May 28 for not meeting the minimum requirements set out in the electoral law. The Radio and Television Commission of the Central Electoral Board has approved this Thursday the distribution of times with the practically unanimous support of the political parties. Only the purple formation and UPN have positioned themselves against and have announced their intention to appeal said distribution.

In the case of Podemos, the argument for running out of spots on public television and radio is that their candidacies fail to present themselves to at least 50% of the Spanish population, as required by article 188 of the Electoral Law. And this is so because the purple party and the coalitions in which it participates, which are mostly with the IU, adopt the most diverse names in the autonomous communities and municipalities. So there is no unitary denomination.

For this reason, Podemos was already left out yesterday of the original distribution of times that was discussed at the RTVE headquarters in Madrid, where the guidelines and criteria set by the Electoral Law were applied. That draft has now been approved, a day later, with the support of 14 political formations and with the only opposition being Podemos and UPN. On the contrary, parties of all kinds have expressed themselves in favor, such as PSOE, PP, Vox, Ciudadanos, ERC, EH Bildu, Compromís, Coalición Canaria, Nueva Canarias or BNG, among others.

One of the two purple representatives, Juan Moreno Redondo, and the Navarrese, Ángel Ansa Echegaray, have recorded during the meeting their opposition to the distribution, as well as their willingness to file an appeal before the Central Electoral Board. Already the general secretary of Podemos, Ione Belarra, had denounced a few hours before that it was an “undemocratic” decision and that she attributed it to an attempt by the bipartisanship that controls RTVE “v for” shielding itself “.

As can be read in the minutes of the commission meeting, Ciudadanos has expressed its “surprise” at the rejection of Podemos and those complaints when it had not raised objections the day before, when the first allocation of time was made at the headquarters of RTVE.

The times for free advertising on RTVE remain as follows: 45 minutes for PSOE and PP, 30 minutes for Ciudadanos and 14 for Vox. This distribution is marked by the results in the 2019 elections.

The meeting of the representatives of the parties that make up the Radio and Television Commission has been held in one of the rooms of Congress and the deletion has practically been ratified with just a few minor adjustments.

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