Elon Musk wins $44bn to Buy Twitter

Elon Musk has ended his bid for Twitter at $44bn (PS36bn), alleging multiple violations of the merger agreement.

Elon Musk wins $44bn to Buy Twitter

Elon Musk has ended his bid for Twitter at $44bn (PS36bn), alleging multiple violations of the merger agreement.

This announcement ends a long-running story about the decision of the world's wealthiest person to buy Twitter in April.

Musk claimed he had backed down because Twitter did not provide enough information about the number of fake accounts and spam accounts.

He could be sued for $1bn (PS830m), and he will have to pay a breakup fee of $1bn (PS830m).

Musk stated in May that the deal was temporarily suspended while he waited for data about fake and spam Twitter accounts.

A billionaire businessman asked for proof to support the company's claim that spam bot accounts account for less than 5%.

Musk's lawyer wrote to say that Twitter had either failed or refused to give this information.

Twitter shares fell by 7% during extended trading following Mr Musk's announcement.

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