High mountains. Pride de Gap: Several associations separate themselves

Pride de Gap 2022 won't have family planning or SOS homophobia.

High mountains. Pride de Gap: Several associations separate themselves

Pride de Gap 2022 won't have family planning or SOS homophobia. Both associations criticize Freedom 05 - which is the organization that organized the event - for Caroline Saugeot's choice as godmother. Family Planning released a press release explaining that it seemed inappropriate for them to choose such a person. To clarify: "Cisgenders and heterosexuals can and should be allies and supporters, but it's not their role to take center-stage during the only day in the year that is centered around visibility. Pride of LGBTQIA persons

The association is critical of Freedom 05's "lack of collective organization" in this event. Heddy Reynaud is the local manager of the association.

Francoise Okoulaloye is the head Freedom 05 and claims she doesn't understand the two associations. "I contacted them via email to invite them to a meeting for organizing themselves, but I didn't get an answer. To get in touch about the choice of godmother, "It's quibbling."

Family Planning may not be represented at the march, but that does not mean they will not encourage people to take part. The press release states that "We strongly hope that Pride de Gap 2023 is possible in partnership with all structures and people motivated"