The Paris police chief, Laurent Nuñez, announced on Sunday, November 5, that there had been 257 anti-Semitic acts and 90 arrests in the Paris metropolitan area since October 7, the start of the conflict between Hamas and Israel.

“We are already at 257 facts”, in Paris and in the three departments of the inner suburbs (Val-de-Marne, Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis), “more than in an entire year”, a reported the senior official, interviewed on BFMTV.

Following these anti-Semitic acts, “nearly 90 arrests” took place of “authors of insults, tags, even violence,” detailed Mr. Nuñez. There is “no typical profile,” added the police prefect. We find all the profiles, young kids, who say very serious things [but also] people more anchored in the defense of the pro-Palestinian cause and who slip up.”

At this stage, there was no person from the ultra-right movement among those arrested, added the police prefect. Of the 257 anti-Semitic acts, only “124 complaints” were filed, Mr. Nuñez announced, encouraging victims to file complaints so that investigations can be initiated.

Stars of David tagged on buildings

The Paris police chief also returned to the Stars of David tagged on several buildings in Paris and its surrounding area. There were “up to 250 affixations of this star,” said Laurent Nuñez. This is an “atypical affair compared to other anti-Semitic acts”, he added, referring to a “coordinated action”. This act “appears to involve a team of perpetrators,” he continued.

The stars, drawn with a blue stencil, were placed “sometimes on buildings where people from the Jewish community lived, sometimes not.” There was a “desire for these stars to be seen”, further affirmed the prefect of police.

A Moldovan couple was arrested on October 27 for spray painting a blue Star of David in the 10th arrondissement. The couple declared that they had committed this offense at the request of a third party, living in Russia, a source close to the investigation told Agence France-Presse (AFP). Statements which could not be confirmed by investigators and which must still be verified.

Throughout France, “857 anti-Semitic acts” have been recorded since October 7, i.e. “as many in three weeks” as in “the entire past year,” the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, said on Tuesday. .