Justice. Johnny Depp-Amber Heard trial - The jury has reached a verdict. It will be presented at 9 p.m.

This is the end of a soap-opera that ran for more than six weeks.

Justice. Johnny Depp-Amber Heard trial - The jury has reached a verdict. It will be presented at 9 p.m.

This is the end of a soap-opera that ran for more than six weeks. On Wednesday, the jury reached a verdict in the case between Johnny Depp's and Amber Heard. They are accused of defamation.

Since Friday, the seven jurors had been deliberating for nearly one hour to reach a unanimous decision. The verdict will be delivered in Fairfax, Washington at 3 p.m. (11 p.m. French)

For a Washington Post column in 2018, in which she claimed she was a "public figure representing domestic violence", the star of Pirates of the Caribbean sued his ex-wife. Johnny, who isn't named, believes this platform damaged his career and reputation and seeks 50 million dollars for damages.

Amber Heard, who starred in Aquaman and Justice League, retaliated and requested the double. The actress, 36 years old, claims that she was defamed in February 2020 by her ex-husband's former lawyer. He had called her domestic violence accusations "hoaxes". Concerning the actor are three passages from Amber Heard's platform and three statements by Adam Waldman, his lawyer,

Each passage must be determined by the jurors unanimously. To award damages, jurors had to decide whether the statement's author acted with "real malice", or knowing they were false. This is a legal subtilty regarding public figures. Johnny Depp flew to England after Friday's proceedings were concluded. He attended concerts in Sheffield and London by Jeff Beck, a British singer.

Six weeks of testimony and audio and video recordings were presented to the jury. These details revealed their lives between 2011 and 2016, far from the glamour of Hollywood. According to the actress, Johnny Depp was a "monster" after consuming an explosive mix of drugs and alcohol. He refused rehab. In March 2015, Johnny Depp raped his wife with a bottle in Australia, where he was filming episode 5 on Pirates. Johnny Depp was hospitalized that day after he had his finger cut. He says it was because of the glare of Amber Heard's bottle. He said he had hurt himself.

In May 2016, she was involved in a final argument during which Johnny Depp allegedly threw her a phone. She filed for divorce on grounds of domestic violence. She claims that she has been the victim of a social media campaign to discredit her career.

Actor, 58, denounced the "staggering" allegations and stated that it was his wife who was violent. He said, "No human being can be perfect. Certainly not. None of us. But I have never committed any sexual violence or physical violence in my entire life." He was able count on the support and encouragement of hundreds of his fans, who gathered at the courtroom entrances and in the courtroom to cheer him on.

Johnny Depp's second trial before a civil court is his. He had previously had his defamation case against The Sun in London dismissed in 2020. The Sun had called him a "violent spouse". Each actor claims to have been paid between 40- 50 million dollars in fees after the publication of The Tribune.