Justice. May 1, 2009: A woman who attacked a firefighter was sentenced to ten month in prison

These images sparked a lot of reactions.

Justice. May 1, 2009: A woman who attacked a firefighter was sentenced to ten month in prison

These images sparked a lot of reactions. The 38-year old woman, who attacked a firefighter in Paris' May Day parade, was tried in Paris on Wednesday. She was found guilty and sentenced to ten month in prison. She was also given a one year ban from protesting and will be required to pay 700 euro to the firefighter for any non-pecuniary damages, as well as one euro to prefect of the police.

The video footage from the May 1 protest broadcast on social media shows the defendant wearing an orange helmet and trying to grab a firehose from a firefighter while he extinguishes a fire that was started by Some protestors. After several failed attempts, she struck him twice on his helmet before being overcome. Within an hour, the woman was taken into custody.

"She was determined" she "sent her arms around my spear and I and she didn't want to let go", she testified in front of the criminal court. The firefighter was trying to extinguish an apartment fire that was about to spread. She repeatedly told me, "We are going to smash your like in 2019", in reference to the protests over the use of "yellow vests", stated the firefighter. Her phone contained snaps of her in combat fatigues or wearing a yellow vest.

The single mother was already convicted in 2018 of acts of violence. She did not appear in court Wednesday. After being a "caregiver" during the Covid, she appeared in court on May 4. She was often emotional and very testy. His counsel argued that he was psychologically fragile and suffers from anxiety attacks. He requested that the substantive hearing be canceled.

The substantive hearing took place in her absence and without representation by her lawyers, who left the room arguing that they didn't have the mandate to defend her. The president stated that "nothing has been confirmed", not the fixed-term caregiver contracts nor the fact that she would no longer be employed after 2020 and that she would have two children.

Eight months imprisonment was requested by the prosecutor for a "person reluctant to institutions" he had previously mentioned.