"Man without a hook" or the "soul mate" - who should she choose?

After a meeting with the in-laws, who actually says “We could spend the whole day together”? Right, nobody, except: RTL's Bachelorette.

"Man without a hook" or the "soul mate" - who should she choose?

After a meeting with the in-laws, who actually says “We could spend the whole day together”? Right, nobody, except: RTL's Bachelorette. Okay, maybe we're overusing the old cliché of the exhausting in-laws at this point, but honestly: We haven't seen such an intimate parent-child relationship as Sharon Battiste and her parents have on trash TV for a long time. Actually never. They hold hands when they just sit next to each other on a bench, three of them!

In any case, the parents - Battiste's mother and her partner - are in Thailand to check out the final three candidates Lukas, Steffen and Jan. So the potential sons-in-law. What is pleasant about this is that the parents do not seem to feel out of place at all. With the parents of the ex-Bachelorettes, things often looked different in the past, because you often felt a “What am I doing here?!” feeling. But Battiste's mother asks questions that she seems genuinely interested in answering. Something like: "Dancing or laying parquet, what are you better at?" And what is more important to Sharon?”

If one of the three finalists didn't know at this point that the correct answer here can only be "dance", then he really would have to be bowled out of the show immediately. As often as Battiste has said that she likes to dance. But all three of them leave out such blunders. The conclusion of the father after the meeting: "These are beautiful, valuable people." Yes, thank you, finally someone says it - and it really applies to everyone who can be seen in trash TV shows, we think.

Before it gets too cuddly-happy-sunshine at this point, the bachelorette has to throw out the first man. It hits Steffen, the solid, very humorous Steffen. One can only speculate about the reasons: Was it possible that the kisses of Steffen and the Bachelorette seemed as if they had been married for 15 years and were always thinking of Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie? But that's really just a theory.

That leaves Jan and Lukas, who still have to go through the ultimate test: a night without cameras. Other people would probably describe this as a completely normal date, but here it is the absolute crowning glory. Forget skydiving, hot air balloon rides, or house running (read what that is here)—the most blatant is time when there aren't 20 people from the TV production team around you while you're trying to set the mood for romance.

It starts with Jan, the virtually empty projection surface for audience performances. Who is this man? Florist, we've known that since the first episode in which he brought the Bachelorette a bouquet of flowers and mysteriously explained that if she wanted to know what it was all about, she had to talk to him. Surprisingly, she did, despite the lame bouquet puzzle. Since then Jan was always there - and always ready to cuddle, even when the other men were very close.

On the very last date, you hardly find out anything new about Jan, apart from the fact that he likes to eat avocados, tomatoes and cucumbers in the mornings at the weekend. But who is this vegetable-loving guy really? What makes him special apart from his breakfast habits? It remains a mystery. According to their own statements, he and the bachelorette spend the camera-free night without closing their eyes for a second. And yes, that's at least a good sign: They find each other so exciting that they don't even want to crash. Even if nobody can understand why.

It's much more obvious with Lukas, you can feel the "vibe", as it's called here, through the television. On a tour of Bangkok in a tuk tuk, the two of them act like a newly in love couple on vacation: she tells him about 15 times how good he looks, he spontaneously buys her flowers at a street market. And didn't the mother of the bachelorette say after the meeting that she felt a "soul affinity" with her daughter in Lukas? Yes, now we see it too.

That's why we can't really understand the brokenness of the Bachelorette. She sits crying in the interview after their two dates and explains that she "want both of them, really". Well, let's put it this way: If we had the choice between a man who says things like "I would still accept the last rose in a year's time" (O-Ton Lukas) and a man who, at most, finds out that it in the "tummy growls, in the positive" (O-Ton Jan), then we would personally prefer the more enthusiastic candidate without a stomach ache. So Luke. But we're not the Bachelorette.

And she has her own emotional world. She repeatedly says about Jan that he is a “man without a catch”. Sure, if you can hardly find out anything about the other person, then you won't find a catch either. But in the end, falling in love isn't about pros or cons, about the pros and cons of potential partners. But - sorry for the cracking sweet icing that's about to come - about the feeling.

So it's – Jan. The man without qualities (at least none that we could see from the sofa). He was the first to get out of the car on the first night of the roses. "You were first and you're last," says the Bachelorette. And while the two sink into their private romance number, we can only think one thing: Shit, hopefully she got Lukas' number.

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