Ministry of the Environment alarmed: Fish kills in the Oder could spread to the Baltic Sea

The Ministry of the Environment in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania expects the effects of the fish kill in the Oder on the Szczecin Lagoon.

Ministry of the Environment alarmed: Fish kills in the Oder could spread to the Baltic Sea

The Ministry of the Environment in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania expects the effects of the fish kill in the Oder on the Szczecin Lagoon.

It is to be expected that the loads will already reach the mouth of the Oder near Szczecin (Poland) in the evening, depending on wind and current conditions, the ministry wrote in a statement late on Friday evening. In the course of Saturday, the Western Pomeranian part of the Szczecin Lagoon could also be affected.

As a precaution, the Ministry of Till Backhaus (SPD) therefore called on residents to refrain from fishing in the water and taking water from it - regardless of use. The responsible authorities in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are currently preparing water and fish samples.

The cause of the massive fish kills along the Oder is not yet clear. Previous laboratory analyzes did not bring any precise information about the pollution of the water and the causes. Since the reason for the environmental disaster is suspected to be in Poland, accusations have already been made in Germany that the neighboring country did not provide information in good time and did not follow the usual reporting chain for such events.