North Rhine-Westphalia: Reul: Conspiracy theorists abuse concerns

Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - North Rhine-Westphalia Interior Minister Herbert Reul has expressed concern that conspiracy ideologues could take advantage of a worse mood in the country.

North Rhine-Westphalia: Reul: Conspiracy theorists abuse concerns

Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - North Rhine-Westphalia Interior Minister Herbert Reul has expressed concern that conspiracy ideologues could take advantage of a worse mood in the country. "It's no longer about protesters, it's almost about something like new enemies of the state that are establishing themselves," said Reul on Monday in the television program "Frühstart" of the broadcasting group RTL / ntv.

Topics such as the Ukraine war, the energy crisis and rising prices could give new fuel to the conspiracy theorists. "I'm worried that if it gets really tangible - energy crisis, prices, cold living room, fuel is getting more and more expensive - that the ground for such narratives, for such conspiracy theories, will increase," said the CDU politician.

The corona virus and vaccination are no longer issues. But they now abused fears and worries in other areas of their lives. "And they're not made of cardboard," says Reul. "If you look at it on the Internet today, on Telegram and such - they are increasingly addressing these topics Ukraine, war, crisis, gas crisis, prices and are trying to get more people together."

Reul advised vigilance: "We can only be careful, watch out, look - keep our eyes and ears open on the net, notice what's happening."