North Rhine-Westphalia: Rheinbrücke Leverkusen free again early

Cologne/Leverkusen (dpa/lnw) - The Rheinbrücke Leverkusen has been open to traffic in both directions since Saturday evening after renovation work - and thus earlier than planned.

North Rhine-Westphalia: Rheinbrücke Leverkusen free again early

Cologne/Leverkusen (dpa/lnw) - The Rheinbrücke Leverkusen has been open to traffic in both directions since Saturday evening after renovation work - and thus earlier than planned. Autobahn GmbH Rheinland announced on Sunday that the section of Autobahn 1 between the Cologne-North and Leverkusen-West intersections in the direction of Dortmund had been completely blocked. The lockdown was originally supposed to last until early Monday morning.

The opposite direction of the A1 had already been closed the previous weekend for a reorganization of the traffic routing in the Leverkusen-West intersection.