Number of unemployed rises despite employment record

Unemployment in Hamburg rose again in July.

Number of unemployed rises despite employment record

Unemployment in Hamburg rose again in July. The main reasons are Ukrainian refugees, who have been increasingly included in labor market statistics since June. Seasonal factors also play a role. “Hamburg is still in the middle of the summer holidays. In the past, holidays and vacation time always caused an increase in unemployment, ”said the operational director of the Hamburg employment agency, Reinhold Wellen, on Friday. "It was the same this month, only the increase is much higher."

A total of 76,909 women and men were registered as unemployed in July, 5.8 percent more than in June. Compared to July 2021, the number of unemployed fell by 6.2 percent. The unemployment rate was 7.1 percent in July, down from 6.7 percent in the previous month. A year earlier, the figure was 7.6 percent. The number of unemployed had already risen again in June, after falling in May to the lowest level since the beginning of the corona pandemic in February 2020.

Nevertheless, the labor market in the Hanseatic city continues to be robust. There was also a new employment record recently. According to the latest available data from May, a good 1.036 million people in Hamburg are employed subject to social security contributions, 2.7 percent more than a year earlier.

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According to the employment agency, three factors are responsible for the recent rise in unemployment. On the one hand, HR managers in many companies are on vacation. "As a result, new hires are being postponed." On the other hand, many apprenticeships ended in July and not all young people were taken on by the training company. "We know from experience that these well-trained people only have to seek unemployment for a short time in order to get back to work quickly." And finally, since the beginning of June, Ukrainian refugees have been included in the basic security system and thus appear in the unemployment statistics. "According to preliminary results, 6,831 Ukrainian refugees received standard benefits from the job center in July," it said.