Today, Friday April 7, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of Saint John Baptist La Salle.

From a very young age he wanted to join the Church, but his family was opposed to that vocation. At the age of 15 he began his religious studies and at the age of 19 he gave classes to the poor in the streets of Paris.

The death of his parents forces him to take care of his siblings while he is ordained a priest.

Being rich, he decides to give all his assets to set up a small school in an old house. In a first attempt, he fails, running out of support from his family and teachers. However, at that time he received God’s help and the support of many other people to found the Brothers of the Christian Schools.

Little by little, La Salle opened schools throughout the country, some for poor children, others for young people to learn trades, and others to train teachers.

However, calligraphy teachers feel attacked by these professional schools and ask for the cessation of their activity. Disappointed, Juan Bautista went to Parmenia where he died in 1719. Many repentant brothers asked him to return, but it was too late.

He is the patron of Christian educators.

The Catholic saints are the group of people recognized by the Church as saints or blessed on a specific date. The Roman Martyrology is the document that names and distributes in the calendar the almost 7,000 saints and blessed recognized by the Church.

The saints and saints are prominent men and women in the various religious traditions for their special relationships with the divinities or for a particular ethical elevation. While the consideration of blessed constitutes the third step on the path to canonization.

Today’s saints day, April 7, also celebrates the following saint’s days:

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