Saxony-Anhalt: Around 4000-year-old settlement discovered near Döbbelin

Döbbelin (dpa/sa) - Archaeologists have discovered a 4,000-year-old settlement near Döbbelin (Stendal district).

Saxony-Anhalt: Around 4000-year-old settlement discovered near Döbbelin

Döbbelin (dpa/sa) - Archaeologists have discovered a 4,000-year-old settlement near Döbbelin (Stendal district). The excavations are being carried out in advance of the construction of the northern extension of the A14. "So far, the floor plans of eight residential buildings and six storage buildings and two clay ovens have been uncovered," said project manager Susanne Friederich on Wednesday. "The grave of a cremation from the Schönfeld culture, which is typical for the end of the Stone Age in the Altmark, was also recovered."

Finds so far have included numerous ceramic vessels, a clay spoon and a pulley used for a draw well. "The settlement probably existed for several centuries, from the end of the Stone Age to the early Bronze Age, as evidenced by various finds such as a bronze dagger," said Friederich.

The dagger therefore comes from the time of the Aunjetitz culture - 4300 to 3500 years ago. The name comes from the first place where it was found, Aunjetitz, north of Prague. One of the most famous finds of this culture is the Nebra Sky Disc. The excavations on the area the size of around 15 soccer fields will continue until November.