Saxony-Anhalt: Cultural institutions in the Harz district form an emergency network

Halberstadt (dpa/sa) - In the Harz district, over 30 museums, libraries and archives are merging into an emergency association for the protection of cultural assets.

Saxony-Anhalt: Cultural institutions in the Harz district form an emergency network

Halberstadt (dpa/sa) - In the Harz district, over 30 museums, libraries and archives are merging into an emergency association for the protection of cultural assets. They want to be able to react better to disasters such as fires or floods, according to a statement from the Saxony-Anhalt Conservation Advisory Center on Wednesday. The facilities work closely with the fire brigade and the technical relief organization. In an emergency, they support each other with material and personnel. According to the information, specific tasks are an alert, emergency exercises and training.

In addition to responding to catastrophes, the focus should also be on prevention in order to avoid damage to irretrievable works of art and unique cultural assets.

According to the information, it is the first such network in a district in Saxony-Anhalt. The agreement is to be signed on November 30 in Halberstadt. Palaces and castles such as Wernigerode and Falkenstein, numerous smaller churches and archives in the Upper Harz are involved.