War in Ukraine: Zelensky says kyiv will “triumph” over Russian “terror”

On the eve of the first anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Thursday that his country “did not crack” and “will triumph” over Russian troops and “terror”.

“We have not cracked, we have overcome many hardships and we will triumph. We will hold accountable all those who have brought this evil, this war to our land. All terror, all murder, all torture, all looting,” he said in a social media post.

A publication shared by Volodymyr Zelensky (@zelenskiy_official)

He added that Russia had chosen “the way of the murderer, the way of the terrorist, the way of the torturer, the way of the looter” in unleashing this war and that this “choice of state” would require “state responsibility for the terror committed”.