What contacts did the "star" have with the Führer?

The institute aims to clarify why, starting in the late 1960s, the “Stern” featured a lightly or not at all clad woman on the cover of almost every topic.

What contacts did the "star" have with the Führer?

The institute aims to clarify why, starting in the late 1960s, the “Stern” featured a lightly or not at all clad woman on the cover of almost every topic. Was it on Nannen's orders? Did he have secret connections to the nudist movement? Or did Nannen know nothing about all this, was he presented with fake magazines with women in Wehrmacht uniforms?

In order to find out, the institute employees have to do superhuman things, they have to read the “star”. Volunteers are still being sought for this task.

It should also be clarified how the forged Hitler diaries could have been published in the “Stern”. Didn't Nannen know the Führer as well as people thought? Why, of all things, did the newspaper in this case dispense with the well-established title page with a naked woman?