Books on Fridays for the Future: Gretarianer are pretty challenging young people

A work that we had fixed this spring as expected, is still to come: The Band's "dear Greta" would have been able to combine all the open letters, with which

Books on Fridays for the Future: Gretarianer are pretty challenging young people

A work that we had fixed this spring as expected, is still to come: The Band's "dear Greta" would have been able to combine all the open letters, with which well-known people in the past few months to Greta Thunberg have turned, mostly in a critical tone. Boris Palmer, Jürgen Domian and Franz Josef Wagner wrote to her already, Dieter Nuhr, Ulf Poschardt and Christian Lindner, would certainly also controls beige a few lines and finished would be a pointedly-controversial wristband have been, in the a couple of admittedly middle-aged white men put the young Swede in prayer, and would have been admonished, are not always so wet, researchers and unforgiving act, and to smile from time to time-friendly.

Jörg Thomann

editor in the Department "life," the Frankfurt General Sunday newspaper.

F. A. Z. Twitter

not yet, coming sometime for sure. Attention know Thunberg and their comrades-in-arms at "Fridays for Future" (FFF) now. Two books, for example, the green youth, both written by men not devote himself, however, by means of the old. The a, Klaus Hurrelmann, Born in 1944, may confidently called the Grand old man of the youth research; the other, Clemens Traub, born in 1997, is a young renegade of the new FFF movement. The view of the Elderly is the milder, significantly.

Social commitment

the after the turn of the Millennium-born people are often referred to as "Generation Z", is little more than a stopgap measure, since their predecessors were the generations X and Y, and it nourishes possibly even the end-time fears: What, pray tell, to come to Z yet? Klaus Hurrelmann in order to baptize them, and shall designate, together with Erik Albrecht-authored book "Generation Greta". On the question of whether someone can be with exceptional personality and a prominent Position in fact representative, one could argue. On the other hand, the Alliteration works in the "Generation Golf" a good one, and even then some of the so-Catchword-went in vain after the factory new VW, he should get to have his eighteenth allegedly.

The "Generation Greta" approach the author about the evaluation of numerous studies, in particular, Hurrelmann mitverantworteten Shell youth study, as well as Interviews and observations of participants in schools or at the summer Congress of the German FFF section. Most of what you discover, you will want to probably. In contrast to the insecure Generation Y, the Gretarianer were "no Egotaktiker, but Ökotaktiker" whose social commitment was "explicit and clear". They put on "objectivity and awareness" and sought an Alliance with their parents and grandparents. In this case, the Generation is of benefit, "that you could look without a professional Existence in the future". The Corona-crisis was at work on the book is not yet in sight.

Nintendo or vanilla ice cream

the interest of youth in classical political parties is not low, keeps Hurrelmann and albert of the requirement to reduce the minimum age in the case of elections to sixteen or fourteen: basically, you could judge "from the twelfth year of life, by which Alternatives go, it is in the choice". A sudden improvement in the world, of course, one should not expect to find: According to the Shell youth study, a third of the respondents tends to populist or national-populist positions.

What do you think of this Generation "and how she feels", wants to reveal the book according to its subtitle, the psycho-gram, however, remains in places, fragmentary, also because of the view somewhere else applies. The authors analyze in detail, and quite revealing of the weaknesses of the labour market and the education system, tend to overwhelm the Latter: Healthy eating, economic, education, media competence – all of this should be a stand-alone school subject. And then, when it is attempted to rotate the observations from the Detail to the General, reads the sometimes curious: "The Generation Greta loves this type of training," for example via the dual degree program. Even more, the Generation Greta loves perhaps Nintendo or vanilla ice cream.

Date Of Update: 26 June 2020, 10:20