Top salaries in broadcasting: What are the heads and chief earn ARD

The ARD has published the income of their top earners for the year 2019. Of the Internet-to-view list according to the WDR Director-General and current ARD Chai

Top salaries in broadcasting: What are the heads and chief earn ARD

The ARD has published the income of their top earners for the year 2019. Of the Internet-to-view list according to the WDR Director-General and current ARD Chairman Tom Buhrow with Annual earnings of 395.000 Euro is at the top (2016 to just over four thousand euros more).

It is the BR-Director Ulrich Wilhelm 388.000 Euro, of the now-retired NDR Director Lutz marble with 365.000 euros, SWR-Intendant Kai Gniffke with 343.000 euros follow. The HR Director Manfred Krupp came on 286.000 euros (11,000 euros more than three years previously), MDR Director Karola Wille 275,000, RBB Director Patricia Schlesinger on 261.000 Euro, Radio-Bremen-Director Yvette Gerner to 270,000 and SR-artistic Director Thomas Kleist to 245,000 Euro. To were the income of the Director at the public-law counterpart to the ZDF, the figures for the year 2018, most recently, as the income of the intendant Thomas Bellut amounted to 369.000 euros.

the Directors of The ARD come on monthly salaries of between 19.989 (NDR) and 14.202-Euro (SR); program heads and Department heads on a monthly remuneration of between 13.876 (NDR) and 10.315 EUR (SR). The monthly salaries for the editors were in the range from 3681 to 10.728 Euro.

The public broadcasters are obliged, for some years, by law, to make their salary structures and the salaries of its top earners to the public. The Commission for the determination of the financial requirements (Kef), which recommends that the licence fee is (2021 should he rise of monthly 17,50 to 18,36 EUR), had been criticized at your last financial report, the salary structure of the public broadcaster as being too high, especially in comparison to the public service. The ARD had rejected the criticism.

Date Of Update: 12 August 2020, 12:19