Germany: Homeland, Old house, Machet jut

This country is really in the end: In its forests, the moths are crooked, his meadows are flooded with concrete, and the repotting is already in full swing.

Germany: Homeland, Old house, Machet jut
This country is really in end: In its forests, moths are crooked, his meadows are flooded with concrete, and repotting is already in full swing. July 18, 2018, 13:15 Uhr77 comments

You want to ask. Whole complex of home loss did not come with paddle boat VomMittelmeer, but is mainly home-made. Made in Germany to a certain extent. Example triggered by se fellows. Dark-skinned, especially in chest area, on legs and also on back heavily hairy, y freeloading piece of FürStück through German farland. They multiply like crazy, of course nuruntereinander. Those who come in contact with m will get hives undEntzündungen. The dancers among moths populate nothing less than German national symbol. They stick in German oaks, in light pine forests, even before Hain beech y do not stop, sucking Germany from inside out.

The German Heimatministeriumhat does not look at m, oak processionary moth, which nest in German forest and poop on it with after-scales and secretions. DieMainstreammedien silence. Gooders leaf blowers such as Nabu and or Ökowahnsinnige refuse to defend mselves with Nochbesser, or, Schusswaffenzu, external borders, to separate fields from forest areas. When German Oaks were precipitated in spree-Neisse dispute, mixed culture fetishists by self-hatred daliefened behind posters, where it was said: "Germany, you lousy piece of Neisse".

Not to mention DerRosskastanienminiermotte, immigrant crook from Balkans, who, kaumangekommen in social paradise "German Highway", populated with chestnut GesäumtenFlächen. Since fall of Iron Curtain, he has been enraptured illegally from SicherenHerkunftsstaaten, such as Albania and Macedonia, by his criminal big gangs. Or was it Macedonia? Anyway, y came from any of se states that end up-Ien. Since n, after day is less chestnut, is less Germany. There are now already Bezirkein Berlin, for example Charlottenburg, Wilmersdorf or Dahlem, where on einenBewohner more coriander on pho GA floats as a soup set, AlsKartoffeln stuck in earth. Soon re will be more soy hedges alsheimische species. The repotting of Germany is already in full swing.

The Desert Sand!

The or great danger of being silent about diebeharrlich and threatening torrential people and space is Betonflut. What is mixed daily in Farland is responsible for nearly ten percent of of people's hand-made CO2 emissions. So this is not only about German Mor Earth, which is being built, but also about freedom-demokratischeLuft that is abolished. The brave heroes of June 18, who were to Tagerfahren on this, that ir popular petition was "Betonflut containment" of BayerischenVerfassungsgericht thrown out, not to say in Leitz folder was deported. Their argument to build less concrete on German roads,-MSH meadows, "to keep Bayern home", was wiped with a Handschlagvom table. The concept, which is composed by numerous Bavarian Kleinstinitiativenwie Catholic country folk movement or left and or Ausgearbeitetwurde, is quickly summed up: y demand a ceiling for concrete. Yet again is heard from construction industry that national sand is scarce. If this continues, it is necessary to tilt foreign accessories like desert sand in HeimischeBetonmischer. Those who do not now usher in memorial-political walls of AusKotten, Bundwerk and Truss, for whom are: "Today we are tolerantund tomorrow in our own sand."

Where in past Eduscho German shopping streets adorned, coffee capsule invaders of Nespressobreit. Where in past Aunt Gertrude indulged in Uncle Günter's absence with massage staff from Otto catalogue made of DeutschemMarkenplastik, 's in German people's body increasingly vibrating foreign workers of Chinese silicone. Mor's mouth is telling truth. The number of German geschlechtskranken has risen just as much as import to AusländischemErwachsenenspielzeug. This country is completely at end. The Germany of Realitätund that in imagination are not equal to effect. The real Germany mangeltes has long been in a recognizable place of abode.

And again question arises. Why is federal government silent about all this? Shouldn't a master plan be drafted slowly? From above, home is eaten, from below it is zugebautund from inside? The interior of German is genetically equipped to eat several pigs in course of a lifetime. But WeggezüchtetesGluten in German rye led to fact that German, who was still walking through Europe before more than 70Jahren, is now riding a bicycle. Recumbent instead of Stalingrad; You can hardly sink deeper. "Oh homeland, DeineSterne, hasten my good wishes, only wanted to linger with you," make it jut, old house, rest in peace.

Date Of Update: 19 July 2018, 12:02