Television Emma García explodes against Rosa López: "It hasn't made me a damn grace"

Rosa López visited the Fiesta set on Sunday March 5 to promote 1930, her new single

Television Emma García explodes against Rosa López: "It hasn't made me a damn grace"

Rosa López visited the Fiesta set on Sunday March 5 to promote 1930, her new single. Emma García and the artist experienced a moment of tension in the Telecinco program. The host of the magazine exploded at some words that the guest shared.

The Basque recalled that the winner of the first edition of Operación Triunfo had recounted how she lost her voice: "It was with a puncture. I've heard it and it doesn't quite enter my head." The woman from Granada spoke about her vocal cords: "They're like any muscle in the body. If you end up forcing it, you'll do it. This is the order of the day for any singer." However, she did not want to delve into the subject: "It is something that I left behind a long time ago."

The presenter indicated that she was referring to the malpractice of a doctor, which would have caused the Andalusian to lose her voice. The interviewee insisted: "It's something I want to leave behind and it's not worth it because it doesn't add up." García pointed out: "Come on, you don't want to talk about it." López released: "Maybe it adds to you for the program, but not to me."

This comment did not sit well with the journalist: "No, make no mistake. Let's see, I didn't like it, sorry, that you tell me 'maybe it adds you to the program'. It hasn't done me a damn thing grace. I am treating you with all the affection that I have and I have asked you a question with all the respect".

Rosa justified herself by saying: "I get nervous." The presenter continued: "Yeah, well, nothing's wrong. As it has made me feel bad, I want to tell you. I treat myself with all the love and respect and I like that they treat me that way too, sincerely." She then indicated that she could have explained to him that she did not want to address the aforementioned issue and she would have told him not to worry about it.

Rosa López said after her awkward moment at Fiesta: "Sometimes the just pay for sinners." The host of the Telecinco space tried to settle the issue: "That's it, I'm glad that we can both talk and clarify it. Nothing happens. You have done it, I tell you and here it stays."

Emma García expressed before dismissing the guest. "We admire you. I'm very happy with the evolution you've had on a musical and personal level. May you continue with your heart first and may we all be sincere."

The singer apologized to the presenter and they both ended up hugging. The communicator explained that she was aware that the artist had not made her comment with bad intentions and she finished: "I can assure you that when I get angry it shows and I have not been angry with you."

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