"That's why we get up every day": A nerd and a fighter pilot stir up the Bundeswehr

One was a Bundeswehr pilot, the other a professional hacker at Deutsche Telekom.

"That's why we get up every day": A nerd and a fighter pilot stir up the Bundeswehr

One was a Bundeswehr pilot, the other a professional hacker at Deutsche Telekom. Today, both want to advance the Bundeswehr technologically: Sven Weizenegger is head of the Cyber ​​Innovation Hub (CIHBw) and enjoys the freedom of fools with his department within the Bundeswehr. Florian Seibel is head of Quantum Systems and builds reconnaissance drones. These are used for surveying in agriculture, mining or in the construction industry, but also by the Ukrainian armed forces. "The Ministry of Defense then jumped up and ordered a larger quantity," he says in the new episode of the ntv podcast "So techt Deutschland."

However, the Cyber ​​Innovation Hub does not deal with cyber security, as the name suggests, but with the "complete range of topics relating to the digitization of the Bundeswehr". The hub acts as an agile unit that is simply supposed to tackle things "with new models of thought," says Weizenegger, explaining the philosophy. He is trying to create solutions for the soldiers with his people. That's what drives him, "that's why we get up at six o'clock every morning."

Florian Seibel cannot imagine working with Quantum System only for armaments companies in the future. He also has investors on his neck who want to see a profit at some point. "That's why we're talking to them, but we're not waiting for them," says Seibel, with a little jab at the defense industry.

This is where both worlds come together: According to Weizenegger, a tank has to function for 20 or 30 years. He calls on the industry to open interfaces. "So that startups plug

What a Tesla tender is, why the Bundeswehr needs a ticket app and why the armaments industry has to open interfaces is what Sven Weizenegger and Florian Seibel tell in the new episode of "So techt Deutschland".